Thursday, May 1, 2008

Pastel Painting: Pansies (Pictura in pastel: Panselute)

This is the first painting I made in art school when we were allowed to choose whatever theme we wanted. The colors are not exacly like in real life but this is the closest photo editing I could do. I would really love to have more time for painting but for now I can hardly finish the huge 50x70cm still life paintings we have to do every week.I used a smaller A4 Canson paper for this one.
I love dry pastels but I always ruin my painting when I try to spray fix them (see the tiny white spots). I guess I should ask the pro’s of this medium for advice, but for the moment I’m having fun as it is.

Aceasta e prima pictura in pastel pe care am realizat-o la scoala de arte atunci cand profesorul ne-a dat libertatea alegerii temei. Culorile difera putin de realitare, dar nu am reusit sa editez imaginea mai bine de atat. Mi-ar place sa dedic mai mult timp picturii, dar abia reusesc sa termin subiectele saptamanale de natura statica pe care le primim la scoala (sunt mari de 50x70 cm).Pictura cu panselute e realizata doar pe format A4, pe hartie Canson.
Imi place sa lucrez cu pasteluri cretate doar ca se cam strica picturile la fixare (punctele mici albe sunt de la spray-ul fixativ). Ar trebui sa cer niste sfaturi de la profesionistii in pastel, dar momentan imi ajunge doar sa ma distrez cu acest mediu.


  1. Anonymous01 May, 2008

    Oh my goodness ... Meda!!!
    If only I could 'grow' pansies such as this!! This is delightful, my friend!! Awwwww, Panies are a traditional winter plant here in North Texas. We have just recently had to let them go for summmer plantings here! The purples are always my favorites!! Oh how I love your visions!!

    Bev in Texas

  2. Yep, what Bev said :) This is just gorgeous! The colours are so vibrant and detail is great! I wish I could draw or paint a good stick person. You are very talented in many ways!

  3. Anonymous01 May, 2008

    Hi Meda. Love how you painted these pansies, the colors are great. You did a fabulous job !

  4. Hi Meda,
    WOW, the pansies are absolutely gorgeous, your a very talented lady,


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