Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Cuttlebug Meets Cupkcake - Be inspired #24 (Cuttlebug si prajiturelele)

Welcome to Be Inspired Wednesday at Cuttlebug Challenge Blog with a big thank you to Regina at The Cutting Cafe for these super cupcakes digital stamps she gave the design team.

Bine ati venit la proiectul de miercuri pentru Cuttlebug Challenge Blog. Multumiri Reginei de la The Cutting Cafe pentru stampilele digitale cu prajiturele cu care a sponsorizat echipa.

If you had asked me a week before today I would have told you I didn't like digital stamps. But these cupcakes were so fun to use that ideas just kept coming. So I made another simple card from the cardstock that was left from the first one.

Acum o saptamana as fi zis ca nu imi plac stampilele digitale, dar acestea au fost asa de dragute incat nu mai puteam sa-mi tin in frau ideile. Mai jos e o alta felicitare facuta din restul de carton ramas de la prima.

I am also happy that I used the Spots and Dots cuttlebug folder instead of my favorite which is Textile. My personal challenge is to use all the cuttlebug products I have, not just my faves.

Ma bucur ca am reusit sa folosesc matrita Spots and Dots in loc sa tot apelez la preferata mea, Textile. Provocarea mea personala este sa creez cu toate produsele cuttlebug pe care le am, nu doar cu preferatele.

Thank you all for stoping by. I hope you will play along this challenge and make some cupcake cards. Submit them on the Cuttlebug Challenge Blog.

Multumesc celor care s-au oprit sa-mi citeasca blogul si astept felicitarile voastre cu prajiturele la Cuttlebug Challenge Blog.


  1. Super cupcake cards- Yummy! debb

  2. Yummy card Meda, the images were fun to play with

  3. Wow 2 cards Meda! I love the simplicity of both and the spots and dots are terrific backing to the cupcakes! Excellent!!

  4. this is soooo adorable, loove that you used more than one on a card, fabulous idea!

  5. Meda, your cards are so adorable! I am so glad you are enjoying these digi stamps!! I was like you, didn't know how I would feel about them, but a LOVER now...hehhe

  6. fun, fun meda! love the stitching!! and that second card too!


  8. Aren't these cupcakes great? I wasn't too sure about the digital stamp thing either, but these little cupcakes are so cute! Great card :)

  9. Gorgeous cards Meda! I agree, these were so fun to play with (as you saw I got a bit carried away too!).
    Hugs Mrs Jx

  10. I think most of us were at first wary of "digital" stamps. But the fact that you have TWO sweet and yummy cupcake cards goes to show how easy and fun it really was! Great job Meda!

  11. What fun cards you have here, Meda!!! Fun images indeed :)

  12. Meda!!..How perfect this was using the 4 cupcakes!! Never gave it a thought to use the 4!!..awesome

  13. Meda I love your cards, they're beautiful!

  14. YAMY! Imi plac briosele!!!!! Mai ales cele umplute cu gem. Acum ca am vazut felicitarea mi s-a facut pofta de o briosa.


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