Saturday, March 28, 2009

Introducing Invitatii Couture (Va prezint Invitatii Couture)

When I made my own wedding invitations I was so frustrated I couldn't find matching green envelopes. So I gave up buying envelopes and started making my own.

Cand mi-am facut propriile invitatii de nunta am fost frustrata ca nu am gasit plicuri verzi de o nuanta potrivita. Prin urmare am renuntat sa mai cumpar plicuri si am inceput sa-mi fac singura.

Since then my passion for designing wedding invitations has grown and grown and now it has become this: INVITATII COUTURE

De atunci am facut sute de invitatii, pasiunea mea pentru a crea invitatii a tot crescut, iar acum s-a transformat in INVITATII COUTURE

I will be working on a new website to show all my invitations and also a new blog filled with wedding ideas. This way all my wedding creations will be in one place and easy too browse through.

In perioada urmatoare voi lucra la un site unde veti putea vedea la un loc toate invitatiile pe care le-am creat. De asemenea voi avea un blog nou cu idei pentru nunti

I will keep you updated.
Have a great weekend!

Va voi tine la curent.
Un sfarsit de saptamana placut!


  1. cant wait to see the new site and blog,
    Good Luck with all of it,
    I know you are going to do well,
    craftin hugs

  2. Hi Meda, this is interesting news,look forward to seeing your new blog. I too love creating love theme cards and with the help of my bug will be doing a tutorial next week. I have completed the survey and will now pop back to CC to see if another snippet has appear. ikki

  3. Wonderful news! Can't wait to see your port folio! Keep us posted!


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