Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sunflower Invitations - Last of the Season (Invitatii cu floarea soarelui - ultimele din sezon)

These are the last 2 sunflower weeding invitations I designed this spring. There is one more that my university colleague Betty chose for her wedding so I will only show you that one in September, after her wedding. This way I can keep her design unique.

Acestea sunt ultimele 2 modele de invitatii din primavaravara aceasta. Mai am unul, cel ales de colega mea de facultate Betty pentru nunta ei, dar acela il voi publica abia in septembrie, dupa nunta. Voi pasta astfel unicitatea modelului.


  1. Hi Meda,
    I love these sunflower invitations, love the simplicity of design and colour combination :o)
    Thank you for commentinf on my challenge card and yes, I have joined the party :o)
    Jackie xx

  2. Wow, Meda, I love the sunflower invitations! I need to make my son's graduation announcements really soon. Could you give me instructions on the vellum. I think that would make a really neat invitation with the mortar board and diploma behind the vellum. Any explanation you can give me would be really helpful. Thanks os much! Hope all is well with you.

  3. These are seriously beautiful, as always! I love the whole sunflower series! Can't wait to see the one in September! TFS!

  4. Meda, invitatiile astea sunt fenomenale. Wow! Le iubesc - sunt delicate si optimiste.

    Multumesc pentru informatia despre magazinul Real si aparatura de-acolo. N-am ajuns niciodata la ei dar voi incerca sa o fac curand.
    Ca sa iti spun sincer, cred ca voi primi cadou de ziua mea un Cuttlebug. :)
    La inceputul lui Mai ma duc in vizita la prietena mea buna Sue, in Jersey, Channel Islands (intre Anglia si Franta) - m-a invitat acolo pentru 2 saptamani si mi-a zis ca deja mi-a cumparat cadoul si sa-mi aduc o geanta mare cu mine si bagaj putin ca sa aiba loc la intoarcere. :D Am eu asa o vaga banuiala ca e vorba de CB si ceva foldere. Stie ca asa ceva nu-mi pot cumpara singura.

    M-as bucura sa vorbim de-adevaratelea. Daca vrei, da-mi un email (am adresa pe blog) cu nr. de tel. si te sun eu.

    Pupici multi,

  5. gorgeous invitations Meda

  6. Anonymous21 July, 2009

    Hi Meda..
    These are s `elegantly beautiful`
    Hope your having a great Day :)x


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