Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Watercolor Anemones - Free Download (Anemone acuarele - download gratuit)

I'd like to thank everyone for participating in the blog hop we organized at the Cuttlebug Challenge Blog this weekend. Thank you for all the lovely comments. I appreciate them very much. You all made me a happy girl.

As a thank you present I am offering this digital image pack for free (click on the image above to go to the download page). You can use it however you want except for selling it or pretending you painted them. I don't care if you make money from products using my images but I would love being given the credit for the original image and I would love to see what you create.

You can contact me by e-mail for custom image requests.

If you encounter any problems in downloading it, please contact me by email (my address is in the sidebar).


Imaginile de mai sus sunt gratuite si pot fi utilizate inclusiv in scopuri comerciale.
Va rog doar sa nu pretindeti ca sunteti autorii lor sau sa le revindeti.

Daca publicati ceva creat cu imaginile mele va rog sa mentionati de unde aveti imaginile si m-as bucura sa-mi artati si mie ce ati creat.

Ma puteti contacta prin e-mail daca aveti probleme cu downloadul.


  1. Anonymous05 May, 2009

    `Thankyou` Meda sooo very kind of you:)
    Deighted to have an Artpiece espesh from you!!!
    `Enjoy` the rest of your Day:)♥

  2. thanks for sharing the download with us!! I am just about to play with adobe photoshop, which I hope I will be able to use this with.

    ava g

  3. Thanks Meda, this is great!!!
    I love your watercolors very much!


  4. Thank you so much for the free gift; very generous and thoughtful!

  5. Anonymous09 May, 2009

    Bonjour Meda,
    Merci beaucoup pour ces adorables anémones !
    C from Paris :)

  6. Thank you Meda you are very talented! -Melissa:)


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