Monday, July 6, 2009

Be Inspired #38 - Countdown to CHA, Star folder

Hello everyone. I had to wait until today to post my project for Be Inspired #38 be cause my project was eatable and had to be fresh on Saturday. Here it is:

Salutare tuturor. A trebuit sa astept pana azi pentru a publica proiectul meu pentru Be Inspired #38 pentru ca e ceva de mancat care trebuia sa fie proaspat sambata.

The minute I embossed my new Star Folder which Provo Craft has generously offered the Cuttlebug Challenge design team I felt the impulse of cutting them out.

De indata ce am incercat noul sablon pentru Cuttlebug am stiut ca trebuie sa decupex stelutele.

I made a list of all the possible things I could do with them and finally decided upon cocktail sticks for my birthday cake. All you need to make them are some scraps of paper, the new Star Folder which will be released this year at CHA, some toothpicks and some glue.

Mi-am facut o lista de idei si in final am ramas la: bete de cocktail pentru prajiturile de ziua mea. MAteriale folosite: noul sablon Cuttlebug "Star", resturi de hartie, scobitori, adeziv. Sablonul va fi lansat anul acesta la targul Craft and Hooby Association, fiind oferit cu generozitate de catre Provo Craft designerilor de la Cuttlebug Challenge Blog.

Be Inspired #38

Since this week's challenge required the use of buttons along with the star folder and colors red, blue, white, I made another project to incorporate buttons. It's a card for my brother-in-law, whose b-day is July 14. This is the first time I made I masculine card that is truly masculine so I am very proud of it.

Deoarece tema de saptamana aceasta implica folosirea nasturilor pe langa sablonul "Star" si culorile alb, albastru, rosu, am mai facut si o felicitare pentru cumnatul meu a c arui zi de nastere este 14 iulie. E prima data cand reusesc sa fac o felicitare cu adevarat masculina, deci sunt foarte mandra de ea.

Wanna win some of the new folders to be releaased at CHA?

Vrei sa castigi cateva din sabloanele care vor fi lansate anul acesta la CHA?

Participate in all 4 Be Inspired challenges in July, starting with this one.
Participa la toate 4 concursurile Be Inspired din Iulie, incepand cu acesta.


  1. Those puffs look heavenly :)

  2. Hum the sweet have a smell delicious I have a stamp for you with a rose and a kiss on my blog "cantinho da cris"

  3. Oh my word! Why must I live so far away! I can almost taste these, Meda! What a clever way to use your stars!



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