Monday, September 28, 2009

Royal Birthday Giveaway!

Hello everyone,
Cuttlebug Birthday Palooza is almost over and Princess Emilly's 21'st birthday set complete.
I still have 2 items to show you, one of which I am having a tutorial about tomorrow on Cuttlebug Challenge Blog.

Cuttlebug Birthday Palooza este pe sfarsite, iar eu am terminat setul pentru aniversarea a 21 de ani a printesei Emily
Mai am inca 2 lucruri sa va arat, dintre care unul va fi prezentat sub forma de tutorial maine pe Cuttlebug Challenge Blog.

Can you guess what it is?
The whole set is pictured above so it should not be very hard to guess what my tutorial is about.
One of those who guess will get Emily's birthday card, a satin flower with pearl center and other things from my stash.

Una dintre persoanele care ghiceste despre ce va fi tutorialul are sansa sa castige felicitarea aceasta si o floare din saten cu perla in centru. Gasiti indicii in imaginea de mai sus.

You have until tomorrow when the tutorial is online to enter.
Good luck everyone!
Pentru a fi considerati la tragerea la sorti, lasati un comentariu la acest articol pana maine cand voi publica tutorialul.


  1. oH I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. oops,
    Now this is a guess.. as i am usless at this , I think it will be the Mask .. knowing me totaly wrong, lol
    But the set looks so wonderful together now x

  2. Hi Meda. The set looks great all together. This has been so much fun! I'm working on my centerpiece right now. I guess I need to finish that really soon. LOL! Thanks for all the hard work you put into the Cuttlebug challenge blog. I love visiting there. My guess would have to be the mask too. Could the 21st birthday party be a masked ball? What fun that would be. Just like in the historical books I like to read. Make it a wonderful day!

  3. My oh my, Meda! The entire set is truly creative. You've really found a new creative outlet to add to your already amazing wedding invitations!

    My guess? Your tutorial must be on highlighting the cuttlebugged images. Just guessing ... but it would be sweet!

    :o) Bev

  4. Meda, all of your projects are wonderful. I am anxious to see your tutorial :)


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