Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Cuttlebug Be Inspired #54 - Sketch Book Cover (Coperta caiet de schite)

Welcome to Cuttlebug Be Inspired #54.
Bun venit la Cuttlebug Be Inspired #54.

This week the design team has a variety of fall/Halloween projects made with products from our sponsors (see list at the end of post).
Saptamana cesta echipa de designeri a pregatit diverse proiecte cu tema toamna/Halloween folosind produse puse la dispozitie sponsorii nostri (vezi lista la sfarsit).

I don't celebrate Halloween but I really loved the bingo boards designs from Tattered Angels so I started putting them together to see what comes up. What you can see in the picture is a card I managed to finish last night but since then I slept over it and came with the idea of making my own hand torn and hand bound sketch book. I hope I finish it tonight so be sure to check back tomorrow for the final result.

Eu nu sarbatoresc Halloween, dar mi-au placut cardurile de bingo de la Tattered Angels si am inceput sa le combin sa vad ce va iesi. Ceea ce vedeti in imagine e o felicitare, dar de cand am facut-o a trecut o noapte si am hotarat sa o transform in coperta pentru un caiet de schite cu foi rupte si cusute manual. Sper sa-l termin in seara asta, asa ca ne vedem maine daca doriti sa vedeti rezultatul final :)

Your challenge (tema vostra):

Your challenge is to make a card/project inspired by one of our design team members.
Check Cuttlebug Challenge Blog for more info.

Tema voastra este sa realizati o felicitare/proiect inspirata din lucrarea unuia din membrii echipei noastre de designeri. Pentru mai multe informatii vizitati Cuttlebug Challenge Blog.

Product list (Lista de produse)

Tattered Angels Bingo Boards
Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist (Juneberry Wine)
Core'dinations Black Magic cardstock
Score-it scoring board
Cuttelbug Fleur de Lis embossing folder
Sakura glaze pen.


  1. I love that: "Time for Art"

    YES!!! It should always be that time :)

  2. I think this is pretty darn great, Meda!


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