Saturday, November 7, 2009

Romeo and Juliet Wedding (Nunta in stil Romeo si Julieta)

Naturally, being a wedding invitation designer, I dream of weddings almost every day, each time trying to imagine places, decor, flowers, dresses, music, guests...
Today I am going to take you to Verona, to this wonderful place where Romeo and Juliet are said to have whispered love words to each other.

Evident, fiind designer de invitatii de nunta, visez in fiecare zi la cate o nunta. Imi imaginez locuri, decoruri, flori, rochii, muzica, oaspeti...
Azi va voi conduce la Verona, in acest loc minunat in care Romeo si Julieta isi spuneau soapte de iubire.

Don't you love this place? It would make a great painting reference too. And the local authorities are hiring it out as a wedding venue too.
Nu e minunat locul acesta? Si autoritatile locale il inchitriaza pentru nunti.

The wedding dress... how about this Vera Wang one?
Rochie de mireasa Vera Wang.

Or this one.

Or this

And the invitations: Handmade by Meda.
Iar invitatiile: Handmade by Meda.

This is the invitation from which I got the whole Milady Collection idea.
Acesta este invitatia de la care a pornit intreaga idee a Colectiei Milady.

That rich plum color trim looks gorgeous against the beige invitation box. Much better than this picture shows. Movul acela inchis arata superb pe cutia beige (mult ai bine decat se vede in imagine).

While I was designing this invitation my head just popped with ideas and variations so I kept layering my materials and taking quick photos to record my ideas.
This is one of the possibilities for the inside.

Pe masura ce lucram la acest design ideile nu mai conteneau sa apra, asa ca le-am inregistrat rapid cu ajutorul aparatului de fotografiat. Aceasta este una dintre variantele pentru interior.

I would like to know what you think about this imaginary wedding. Would you go back in time a few hundred years for your wedding style? How do you imagine a Romeo and Juliet style wedding? What invitations would you send to your guests? I would really be delighted to meet someone who can design a Juliet wedding dress.

Mi-ar placea sa aud parerea voastra despre acesta nunta imaginara. V-ati intoarce in timp cateva sute de ani ca inspiratie pentru nunta voastra? Cum va imaginati o nunta in stil Romeo si Julieta? Ce invitatii ati trimite oaspetilor? As fi incantata sa cunosc pe cineva care poate crea o rochie de mireasa in stil Julieta.


  1. Love your invitations! They are one of my favorite things to make too!

  2. OulaLA! I would definitely go back in time for my wedding. And the purple does look so elegant against the cream. Pure loveliness. Romeo & Juliet is one of my favourite plays. In fact the copy I have has a well-worn PURPLE cover with white lettering. Fancy that! ;-)


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