Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Handmade by Meda around the web - continued

After writing yesterday's post I made a quick search on Google for Handmade by Meda and found another wedding inspiration board featuring one of my invitations on getmarried.com

Thank you for all the support that has brought me here. Special thanks to my dear husband who encouraged me to follow my dreams and to all my customers who have trusted me with the announcement of the most beautiful day in their lives.

Thank you!

Handmade by Meda wedding invitation featured

Dupa ce am publicat articolul de ieri m-am gandit sa dau o cautare rapida pe google pentru "Handmade by Meda" si, surpriza! Am mai gasit inca un colaj de inspiratie pentru nunti in care era prezenta una din invitatiile mele. Sursa: getmarried.com

Doresc sa multumesc pe acesta cale pentru tot sprijinul acordat, in special sotului meu care m-a incurajat sa-mi urmez visurile si clientilor mei care mi-au incredintat realizarea anuntului celei mai frumoase zile din viata lor.



  1. Felicitari, Meda, e atat de binemeritat totul!
    Imbratisari, Alina

  2. Bravo, Meda!
    Your work is beautiful indeed, and I'm so happy to see that it is being recognized!!

    Congratulations, sweet lady!


  3. It makes me smile a big smile to see all you have done. I am so excited for you!! Linda


Thank you so much for taking time to leave comment.