Friday, December 18, 2009

Invitations to Christmas Dinner at Swan Palace (Invitatie la Cina de Craciun la Palatul Lebedelor)

This year my Christmas color palette is white, silver and light blue so when I had to choose my tutorial for the 12 Days of Christmas Celebration over the Cuttlebug Challenge Blog, I immediately grabbed the 7 swans.

Anul acesta, culorile mele pentru Craciun sunt alb argintiu si albastru deschis. De aceea, cand a tebuit sa-mi aleg tema pentru numaratoarea inversa de Craciun organizata de Cuttlebug Challenge Blog am ales cele 7 lebede.

I am also doing a lot of wedding invitations with feathers in this period, so swans were the perfect choice.

In plus, in perioada aceasta lucrez la foarte multe invitatii de nunta cu pene, deci nu se putea ceva mai potrivit decat tema lebedelor.


So, on the seventh day of Christmas I made invitations to an imaginary Dinner at the Swan Palace. Remember the swan princes story? Well, she has both arms in my story :)

Asadar, in a saptea zi de Craciun, am facut invitatii la o cina de Craciun imaginara la Palatul Lebedelor (imaginar si el). Mai tineti minte povestea lebedelor? In povestea mea printesa ramane cu ambele brate :)

white feathers Christmas dinner invitation
The centerpiece is very quick to make. Just mix some white feathers with silver snowflakes and add a candle in the middle. If you haven't been here for the Festival of Lights blog hop, here is a tutorial for the vellum lantern I used as central piece.

Aranjamentul central este foarte usor de facut. Amestecati doar niste pene albe cu fulgi de nea argintii si adaugati o lumanare alba sau argintie in mijloc. Daca nu ati fost pe-aici cu ocazia festivalului luminilor, puteti citi acum instructiunile de realizare a lanternei din calc pe care am asezat-o in centrul aranjamentului.

Christmas white feathers centerpiece
My central motif this Christmas is the white butterfly. I put it everywhere: on invitations, cards, Christmas decorations, walls, trinket boxes. They are so soft, delicate and elegant! So why not have a Christmas dinner invitation with a white butterfly? Why not add some white butterflies in your feathers and snowflake centerpiece.

Craciunul acesta, motivul meu decorativ central este fluturasul alb. Il gasiti peste tot: pe invitatii, felicitati, cutiute de bijuterii, pe pereti, ca decoratiune pentru brad, de ce nu amestecat cu penele din aranjamentul pe care tocmai vi l-am prezentat.

christmas invitation with butterflies an feathers
Visit Cuttlebug Challenge blog for a step by step tutorial on how to make the invitations and centerpiece plus a series of ideas to take this theme further.
I hope you have been inspired by this idea and I would like to hear from you.

Pentru instructiuni de realizare a invitatiilor si aranjamentului vizitati Cuttlebug Challenge blog. Am mai scris acolo si alte idei cum puteti dezvolta tema lebedelor albe si fulgilor argintii.
M-as bucura daca cele prezentate v-au inspirat si daca mi-ati lasa un mesaj despre asta.


  1. I love all your work.

  2. Thank you for your comment, I made the envelope in Sure Cut A Lot. I make wedding invitations too. If you need anything let me know.

  3. WOOOOOOOW! Foarte foarte elegante si frumoase!


Thank you so much for taking time to leave comment.