Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Elegant Black and Silver Wedding: Introducing "Ermiona" (Nunta eleganta cu negru si argintiu: va prezint "Ermiona")

After the White Wedding in Reykjavik, here is another one. This time it's black and silver in my home town, Cluj-Napoca. Don't you just love that Gothic cathedral? I used to go there for 5 minutes with God every morning on my way to highschool.

Dupa Nunta Alba din Reykjavik, iata una cu negru si argintiu mai aproape de casa: in orasul meu natal, Cluj-Napoca. Superba catedrala in stil gotic este aceeasi in care obisnuiam sa-mi petrec 5 minute cu Dumnezeu in fiecare dimineata inainte de a ajunge la liceu.

black and silver wedding
The decor is by Ermiona and the invitations and wedding stationary is Handmae by Meda.
Decorul este propus de Ermiona, iar invitatiile si restul papetariei sunt Handmade by Meda.

nunta negru si argintiuNow who is this Ermiona, you wonder.
Probabil va intebati cine este Ermiona.

If you have read my previous post or clicked the links above, you already know Ermiona is a wedding planning agency. I met Bianca, the owner, at the craft fair I attended in December. We exchanged business cards and met a couple of times after the fair. I was very impressed when I visited her office and saw pictures of weddings she has organized. She has a tasteful elegant style and probably one of the things I love most about her weddings are the couture dresses.

Daca ati citit articolul precedent sau ati dat click pe linkurile de mai sus, stiti deja ca Ermiona este o agentie de organizari nunti. Pe Bianca, cea care se afla in spatele agentiei am cunoscut-o la targul de cadouri din Decembrie. Am facut schimb de carti de vizita si ne-am intalnit de cateva ori. Cand i-am vizitat biroul am ramas impresionata de eleganta plina de bun gust pe care o reflectau nuntile organizate de ea. Probabil cel mai mult m-au impresionat rochiile couture, pentru ca Bianca asorteaza nu numai decorul ci si tinutele mirilor cu tema nuntii.

The name Ermiona?...
Numele Ermiona?...

I said "wow!" the moment I heard it only to find out later that it was Bianca's sister's name and more, the two of us were baptized together. Talking about "coincidence"!
Cand am auzit acest nume am spus "wow!", pentru ca mai tarziu sa aflu ca era numele surorii Biancai si mai mult, eu si Ermiona am fost botezate impreuna. Ca sa vezi "coincidente"!

This is all for today, but I have a feeling you are going to see many more weddings like this.
Cam asta e tot pentru azi, dar presimt ca veti mai vedea multe astfel de nunti .

PS. The bride in the pictures is Ermiona herself. (Mireasa din poze e chiar Ermiona)


  1. What a great story, Meda! I bet a new partnership has been born. What a great find for you. The bride is beautiful and the pictures are wonderful. Hope all is well with you!

  2. arata grozav, Meda!
    nu stiu daca iti place sa arati niste blog awards pe blog-ul tau (stiu cat esti de ocupata), voiam doar sa-ti spun ca m-am gandit si la tine cand le-am impartit!
    te pup, Alina

  3. ce sa mai spun... ca incep sa ma repet deja :)... in toate commenturile cred ca am pus un WOW...si asta nu face exceptie... foarte elegant...Meda style!!


  4. so elegant...I really like the idea of seeing more of this in the future...keep them coming !!!


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