Thursday, February 4, 2010

Masking Techniques Tutorial (Tutorial: Tehnici de masking)

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Second post today following Donna's comment.

Thank you, Donna, I didn't realize not everyone understands what the masking technique is about.
So here I am; with today's last sun rays I took some quick photos to show you various masking techniques.

[Click on images for larger view]


masking tutorial supplies

For this technique you need 2 basic types of materials: masks (or stencils) and coloring mediums.

You can buy stencils from craft stores (Tattered Angels has some marvelous ones) or you can make your own using various tools like punches, dies, free hand cutting, or any object that will cover a surface (try a jar lid to mask a circle :)

Also the coloring medium choices are very large. You can use colored pencils, chalks, inks, spray colors, acrylic paint, so Donna, you don't need Glimmer Mist to participate in this week's challenge.

Masking techniques (Tehnici de masking).

Masking consists in covering a surface with a "mask" or stencil and coloring the surface left uncovered.

1. Masking with colored pencils (Masking cu creioane colorate).

I have known this technique ever since I can remember. As a little girl I used to draw flowers, cut them out and use them as masks like shown in the images below. I haven't tried watercolor pencils, but they must be great for this technique. You need a wet finger to pull the color.

masking with colored pencils
2. Masking with inks and paints (Masking cu cerneala sau vopsea).

Shown below is masking with an ink pad. You can do the same using a make-up sponge and ink or acrylic paint or anything that leaves a color trace (try some concentrated tea or coffee). There are also special stenciling brushes but they are better for larger surfaces lie walls or furniture.

masking with ink

3. Masking with Glimmer Mist and spray paints (Masking cu Glimmer Mist sau vopsele spray).

This technique is a very messy one so be sure to cover your work surface and put away card blanks or any other thing that could get spritzed and cannot be cleaned. You can use a box and do the spritzing inside, but I am too lazy for that. You basically have to cover the surface you don't want touched by color and spray. Lift the mask and you are done. This is how I did the little heart on my card from the previous post.


  1. hi Meda, Great tutorial. after stamping for a while its easy to assume everyone knows everything :)
    You really covered all the basics, really good information to share!

  2. Thanks, Meda! I've learned several new things from your tutorial. I'll have to give this a try! So appreciate the explanation!

  3. Meda,
    Wonderful site. Thank you. I have something for you on my blog.

  4. interesant tutorial :D ti-ai cumparat Glimmer Mist sau il aveai?


  5. A costat mult? eu nu prea m-am interesant de asta insa am vazut acum pe tag ul de la Kendalle ce frumos arata. apropo maine o sa postez ceva nou o sa ti placa:D penele primite de la tine si-au luat'' zborul'' in '' Paradis'':D
    Apropo sa mi spui cand vrei sa pui chestioare la vanzare.

  6. Wow ce frumos arata... ar trebui sa incerc si eu :)

  7. Thank you for the tutorial....I'll give it a try one of these days.


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