Monday, February 8, 2010

More Valentines (Alte felicitari de Valentines Day)

I have left the best to the last.This is my favorite one:

Am lasat ce-i mai bun la urma. Aceasta este felicitarea mea preferata din grupul celor de Valentine's Day

 green and soft yellow valentine

green rose on yellow valentine
And the first time in my life I used fuchsia on a card. I like it, but will never be among my favorites. I don't like bright bolds.

Si iata prima felicitare din viata mea in care am folosit culoarea fucshia. Imi place, dar nu va ajunge niciodata in topul preferatelor mele. Nu prea imi plac culorile tipatoare.

bright sunny fuchsia valentine

And if you care for some sweet candy all the way from England, check out my friend's Angie's blog.


  1. Meda, these are gorgeous. I just love your simple yet elegant style. And of course your embossing is great!

  2. Nu, am unul singur, si sunt administrator la un altul care are mai multe sectiuni.


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