Saturday, February 6, 2010

More Vintage Valentines (Inca niste felicitari de Sf. Valentin)

Last week after I made my first vintage valentine for the Cuttlebug Challenge I just couldn't stop so I made some more. Here they are:

Dupa ce am facut prima felictare pentru Valentine's day saptamana trecuta am continuat cu inca cateva:

 blue vintage valentine

blue vintage valentine 2

I used scraps from my stash and my favorite valentine folder from cuttlebug: *floral fantasy*

Pentru realizarea lor am folosit resturi de materiale si sablonul cuttlebug preferat pentru acesta ocazie: *floral fantasy*

scrappy vintage valentine

scrappy vintage valentine details
Who can guess what project does the black leaf come from?
Cine ghiceste de la ce proiect mi-a ramas "frunza" neagra?


  1. Beautiful cards, Meda! Love your composition and colors. Hope you have a lovely weekend!

  2. I just love the second one..I'll try to guess...the leaf comes from the Princess Emily Ball project ? love it !


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