Friday, August 20, 2010

My Handmade Roses and Romantic Invitations (Trandafiri confectionati manual si invitatii romantice)

romantic rose invitation
More often than not I am asked to make extra invitations after sending the main order.
I always purchase extra materials for such cases, but this time I only had 4 extra paper roses and 8 invitations were needed in a short time.

Cel mai adesea se intampla sa mi se comande invitatii suplimentare ulterior trimiteri comenzii principale. In general ma asigur ca am materiale in plus pentru astfel de situatii, dar in acest caz nu mai aveam decat 4 trandafiri de hartie si trebuia sa fac 8 invitatii intr-un timp scurt.

So I proceeded to making my own trying to imitate the originals the best I could.
Asa ca m-am pus pe treaba, incercand sa imit cat mai bine originalul.

handmade roses

The final result (both with my flowers and the purchased ones):
Rezultatul final (atat cu florile mele cat si cu cele cumparate):

romantic invitation with handmade rose

romantic  invitation with paper rose
Each invitation presented in one of my handmade boxes.
Fiecare invitatie prezentata in una din cutiile mele confectionate manual.

handmade boxes

This project involved a lot of work. Each invitation taking over 1 hour to complete but in the end what matteres is that the pleasing result that will probably make someone's day.
Acest proiect a implicat multa munca (peste 1 ora pentru fiecare invitatie), dar pana la urma conteaza rezultatul placut si faptul ca cineva se va bucura de ele.


  1. GORGEOUS Meda! You can hardly tell the difference between the one you made and the purchased one and only because you are looking for it. Fabulous work!

  2. These are just gorgeous Meda! The flowers are amazing!

  3. mai are rost sa iti spun cat de mult mi-au placut si imi plac ? :D nici nu deosebesti floarea facuta de tine si cea originala. Buna treaba!

  4. Hi Meda!!!Wow what beautiful creations.....Your hard work shows in such beauty!!!TFI
    Have a fab week:)
    Always a pleasure to catch up :)

  5. your work is always amazing :)

  6. Your invitation cards are beautiful. I just love how you did the roses.

  7. Imi plac tare mult aceste invitatii,mai ales ca au si trandafiri...


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