Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hello, Autumn! Swaps, Challenges and just for Fun

The mornings are cooler but then a a beautiful sun shines not too hot, just enough to call you for a stroll. The wonderful colors of autumn are everywhere.... I love this season! I love it so much that I started by making a bookmark for a swap and ended up with a whole set made of a card, a bookmark and a tag.

autumn set

I started by making a background in shades of brown, then stamped and embossed some leaves in black, but when I had to color them as planned I just didn't feel like doing it. So I took put my box of scraps and started flipping through the color palette files in it and stopped at black. After all it is one of the Halloween colors, so I thought "why not"?

Here is my bookmark after a little cuttlebug cutting and embossing and ponging some copper ink. Totally Love it! And yes, that's the book I am currently reading.

autumn bookmark
Now another try at stamping and coloring leaves, total failure so I decided to go the same way as with the bookmark and see what comes out. In the mean time I made a flower from some gift rap paper I had in my scrap box. I thought it looked great on my cream-brown-black card.

I am entering this card into the Scrapper In Romania Challenge #6. The great thing about this challenge is that anything goes: from digital to jewelery you can create anything as long as it matches the theme.

autumn card
I had the leaf, I had the tag from a mini album I made last year, so I thought why not combine all these elements since they were already out and here is what I came up with:

autumn tagWishing everyone a warm and lovely autumn!


  1. Hi Meda ! This is a great set ! I love black so much. When you were doing the cuttlebug challenge about Princess Emily I bought the fleur de lis embossing folder and haven't been able to use it yet ! But after seeing this tag I think I'll give it a go. Autumn is my favorite time of the year too. Cool weather and hopefully no more rain.

  2. Meda, thess are BEAUTIFUL.

  3. I am so glad I could inspire you, Tatanky. I have used my folder so much it's almost broken.
    It makes awesome backgrounds. Hmmm..., your comment brings me back an idea I often had while looking at some of my unused folders...

    Hope your winds and rains stop and everything is ok where you live.

  4. Meda
    Your project is really lovely.
    Fall is my season too. Just love the smells, colors and of course, coolness.

  5. Imi plac la nebunie frunzele de toamna!!!Si cel mai mult imi place felicitarea cu floarea aia mov... tu ai facut-o? arata exact ca florile din gradina bunicii!

  6. Da, eu am facut-o dintr-unul din acele ambalaje de cadou despre care toata lumea zice "rupe-l, rupe-l!", iar eu il desfac tacticos stiind ca il voi transforma in ceva dragut.
    Ce pacat ca doar o bucatica am avut! Dar am colectionat hartia subtire in care imi inveleste panglica tanti de la mercerie si ma gandesc ca daca o colorez pot obtine ceva asemanator.

  7. Foarte frumos, imi plac frunzele de toamna, cel mai mult imi place frunza aurie este pe carton sau din alt tip de material realizata. Si eu ca si tine colectionez fel si fel de ambalaje care nu imi mai folosesc, si ma gandesc ca poate candva le voi reinventa.

  8. Sunt 2 feluri de frunze aurii :)

  9. Cele din felicitarea cu floare mov.


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