Monday, October 25, 2010

Fall Mini Album and Ribbon Spool Box (Mini album de toamna si cutie din rola de panglica)

I have been playing with some challenges lately, but something just keeps telling me I need to create my style, so that is what I have spent the weekend doing.

In ultimul timp m-am jucat cu diverse provocari, dar ceva ma chema mereu sa creez in stilul meu, lucru pe care l-am si facut in acest sfarsit de saptamana.

Now this mini album and box set is truly me and my style:
Acest mini album si cutie sunt intr-adevar stilul meu:

-my fall colors this year including lots of black (culorile mele pentru toamna acesta inclusiv mult negru)
-recycling (reciclarea)
-elegant (eleganta)
-unique (unicitatea)
-useful (utilitatea)

I can't help seeing a creative opportunity in everything that surrounds me, so I just can't throw away empty ribbon spools, sturdy paper roll tubes, chipboard packaging and other junk.

Nu pot sa nu vad o posibilitate creativa in tot ce ma inconjoara. Pur si simplu nu pot arunca la gunoi role de panglica, tuburi de carton, ambalaje din carton si alte gunoaie.

Ribbon spool box (Cutie din rola de panglica)

This little box was just that: an empty ribbon spool that I have been keeping in my junk box.
The flower on top is made in one of those "how could I use this scraps?" session I often have.

Cutiuta acesta este realizata dintr-o rola de panglica pe care o pastram in cutia mea cu "gunoaie". Floarea cu care am decorat-o este realizata in una din sesiunile mele de "cum as putea folosi aceste resturi de hartie?".

And the black lace.... ooohh, this was one of my favorite things from my ribbon drawer and I am out. Unfortunately I have promised myself not to buy any supplies until I use up a good amount of what I already have.

Fall mini album (Mini album de toamna)

I made this album to use up some yellow parchment I had leftover from a larger wedding album.
This parchment was just too expensive to throw away the tiniest bit.

Am facut acest mini album pentru a folosi pergamentul ramas de la un album de nunta mai mare. A costat prea mult sa arunc pana si cea mai mica bucatica.

It can hold 34 photos of 6x7cm. The parchment separators will protect them from being damaged from rubbing against each other.
Albumul are loc pentru 34 de fotografii de 6x7 cm. Separatoarele din pergament protejeaza pozele.


  1. Albumul este superb! Si ideea cu cutia din rola de panglica este geniala ... am sa incerc si eu acasa. Apropo ... ai cumva un tutorial bun despre book binding si poti sa share?
    Te pup!

  2. Foarte fain a iesit albumul pana la urma.Am tot asteptat sa pui poza cu el si acum ma minunez.

  3. beautiful!! and what a great idea for the ribbon spool!

  4. Thanks for the comment on my book!! Love yours too, very chique!!
    And the box is also fab :)

  5. Great! These are beautiful projects!

  6. imi place cutia .foarte fain decorata. si chiar e stilul tau

  7. Yeap ! Definitely your style love, love, love the spool box.

  8. amazing Meda! brilliant
    hugs, Valerie

  9. Hi Meda..
    I love your beautiful book and box.
    I know I would treasure one of these from TFI
    Enjoy the rest of your week:)

  10. Love both of your projects here Meda!!! You are so talented!!!

  11. Sunt superbee!!! Cumva le si vinzi?

  12. Nu le mai am de mult. Cand am timp fac altele, altfel. Mai am o multime de materiale de reciclat.

  13. Foarte frumos albumul, delicat si cu bun gust.


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