Saturday, October 30, 2010

Monica's Vintage Pink Wedding (Nunta roz vintage a Monicai)

She was so graceful to send me pictures of her wedding. Don't you love the lace of her bouquet?

A fost asa de draguta incat mi-a trimis poze de la nunta ei. Imi place foarte mult dantela din buchet.

Photos from the wedding tent, including the menus, favor boxes and place cards I made for her.

Imagini din cortul nuptial, inclusiv meniurile, marturiile si cardurile de masa pe care le-am facut pentru ea.

Some very quick photos I maneged to take before mailing her reception items:
Cateva poze facute la repezeala inainte sa-i trimit pachetul cu lucrurile pentru receptie:

The place cards were actually printed with the guest names.
Pe cardurile de masa au fost de fapt gata tiparite numele invitatilor.

Favor boxes.
This is the sampel I made for her from a slightly different cardstock. She had to tie the golden thread and labels herself after putting salt cellars inside the boxes on some vintage silk she used as wrapping.

Aceasta este doar mostra pe care am facut-o dintr-un carton putin diferit. Celor pe care le-am trimis a trebuit sa le lege singura ata aurie si etichetele dupa ce a pus inauntru solnitele invelite in matase.

The guestbook.
I wish I had more time to work on it.

Cartea de oaspeti.
Mi-ar fi placut sa am mai mult timp pentru a lucra la ea.


  1. This is great Meda!! All looks beautiful!

  2. Oh, Meda! It was so elegant, and just gorgeous!!! A true masterpiece!

  3. I bet the bride was thrilled with all of the wonderful things you made for her, she's a lucky girl!
    hugs, Valerie


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