Thursday, November 11, 2010

Dorina's Green Orange and Brown Butterfly Invitations

It's a beautiful day and the sun is shining, so what better moment to present you this happy garden butterfly wedding invitation.

It goes perfectly with OTWC Challenge #32 which has quickly become one of my favorite challenges on the web. They not only use wedding inspiration photos, but also make me step out of my comfort zone like with this color combo: green orange and brown.

The initial challenge actually came from Dorina, one year ago. She wanted an invitation using the colors mentioned above and a touch of yellow. She was having a garden wedding with butterflies as central theme. The invitations had to be playful, fresh yet elegant and she wanted feather butterflies

I won't bore you with all the details, but I can tell you it was the longest design process and hardest work I have ever put into an invitation. Dorina wouldn't want it anything but perfect so we exchanged many e-mails, links, photos until we came up with this.

The invitation ensemble consists of: invitation card, directions card with map on the back, response card and envelope, mailing box and mailing label.

This is the invitation card. The text is embossed with a fake letterpress technique.

(click on image for larger view)

This is the directions card. It has a map on the back that I drew line by line and dot by dot to match the whole ensemble. I really love how it turned out especially since it was my first time doing this.

The response cards and yellow recycled paper envelopes.

How about this version I came up with while playing with the design?

How about the butterfly. Notice the green spots? They were actually blue and I got some help from my brother to paint them green. This idea just sparked in my head why I was trying to buy the perfect butterflies. These were perfect except for the blue dots so I suddenly thought of the acrylic paint in my drawer and Dorina embraced the idea so I ordered them and set to work.

I do prefer this butterfly though.

I'd like to close by thanking Dorina for her patience during half a year's work and continued friendship. We are now sharing the wonderful experience of pregnancy and I am so happy she is more than just another client. I love my work especially for that, for being able to be more than just a service provider, for being able to give a hand at making every bride's wedding dream come true.


  1. Oh My Meda These are absolutly Beautiful..all that work certainly pays off I love love them all,those butterflys are `divine` TFI
    Hope you and yours are doing well:) xxx

  2. These are stunning!!! I absolutely love them! It was definitely worth the hard work. They are beautiful! What a clever idea to paint the dots green and I love the swirly green words. I feel a garden party invitation in my future... now all I need is a garden! haha

  3. Ma uit la blogul tau destul de des, imi plac creatiile, insa sunt foarte curioasa:
    cum de nu folosesti un dictionar din cand in cand? Daca tot te straduiesti sa scrii in engleza, ar fi mult mai interesant blogul daca nu e scris intr-o engleza saracacioasa.
    Mai bine ai scrie in romana sincer...

  4. Draga Corina, candva citeam printre regulile de utilizare ale unui forum: "Daca ai un comentariu pozitiv scrie-l, daca nu abtine-te de la critici negative".
    E un mod de gandire constructiv care nu tine de cultura poporului roman. De aceea nu scriu in romana. Cu un asemenea public, cafeaua de dimineata ar fi mai amara. In plus, eu sunt omul cu ideile si imaginile. Ii las pe altii sa se intreaca in cuvinte. Uite o idee pentru tine: ai putea scrie un blog despre cum se scrie intr-o engleza mai elevata. Iti dau voie sa folosesti textele mele ca exemplu negativ :) As avea multe de invatat din asa ceva.

  5. Scuze daca te-am deranjat cu comentariul, insa chiar eram curioasa.
    Am vazut greselile si ma gandeam ca poate te grabeai si n-ai observat. Insa cand in 90% din articole ai greseli...

    Eu personal cunosc, scriu/citesc/vorbesc corect in 4 limbi straine pe langa romana si nu am nimic cu tine personal dar aceeasi "regula" ar fi aplicabila: daca nu stii sa scrii corect, nu te face de rusine ci alege o limba pe care o cunosti; sau macar da-i un proofread ca sunt destule programe pt asa ceva.
    Asa cum este acum blogul, mai faci de rusine si pe alte persone din Romania care cunosc limbi straine fiindca stii cum e: un strain se uita peste un blog/poza/etc. si judeca tara in general...

    Toate cele bune!

  6. Dragut, dar nici tu nu ai dat proofread la acest comentariu :)
    Iar atunci cand ai intentii pozitive poti scrie un mail, nu trebuie sa critici in public.
    Nu comentariul ma deranjeaza ci atitudinea din spatele lui.

  7. Draga Corina,

    In viata mea n-am scris "reply" la comentarii de pe blogurile altora. Acum chiar nu ma pot abtine cand vad atata nerusinare!
    Ma bucur ca ai si tu o facultate (probabil) de litere si ca te dai mare ca stii 4 limbi la perfectie. Si eu am facultate si eu sunt traducator (chiar in 5 limbi daca vrei) si departe de mine gandul sa spun ca stiu vreo limba la perfectie (nici macar romana n-o stiu la perfectie...arata-mi un om care o stie si o sa ma inchin persoanei respective!)
    Insa acesta nu e locul pentru asa ceva.
    Meda nu scrie literatura straina...nici nu face comentarii pe marginea limbii. Nici nu presteaza servicii de traducere amarate cum se intampla pe la noi.
    Si te inseli amarnic cand spui ca ne-ar face de rusine tara cu "greselile ortografice" cand blogul ei nu se vrea decat unul de creatie (probabil nu ai inteles menirea blogului).
    Din contra, cu oameni ca Meda ne merge renumele de oameni corecti si muncitori si plini de imaginatie.
    Eu o admir pentru ce face si se pare ca si alte sute de persoane din strainatate sunt de acord cu mine.
    Asa ca te rog tine-ti "acriturile" pentru sa nu te deranjezi sa-mi vizitezi blogul ca nu o sa iti accept nici un comentariu.

    "Cel ce e fara de pacat sa arunce primul piatra"... poate ca ai uitat de "invatatura" asta!!! Ar trebui sa mai citesti si altceva inafara de dictionare.

  8. Hello,
    I discovered you recently and your invitations are awsome!

    I love letter press efect and you said this is a fake. Could you explain me how did you do it, please? I'd love to know it! Than kou.

  9. Sorry, that's a trade secret.


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