Sunday, November 7, 2010

She is 3 now... (Acum are 3 ani...)

I was looking for some other photos when I found these invitations.
I made them for the first birthday of a friend's little girl.
Miriam is 3 now and she will soon have a little brother too. Fun days to come! My baby will be born in the same period :)

These invitations also reminded me of the time when all my crafting supplies fit into a few boxes.
I didn't have any fancy tools like the cuttlebug but I was still able to create things I love today.

For instance, in the invitation above the green paper is wrapping paper and the one with butterflies I designed myself and printed out.

And the lovely cake stamp, what do you think it is?
I hardly have any stamps now and I certainly didn't have any 2 years ago. That is an image I drew in my sketch book, photographed (I have no scanner), cleaned in Photoshop and printed out.

I feel I have come a long way and it was all through hard work, experimentation and plenty of time investment.

I now receive so many e-mails from people who think they can grab the secret of everything behind my work in just no time. I hate the messages that start with a praise about my work only to continue with a series of questions.:
1. Where do you buy your paper from?
2. Where can I buy a cuttlebug?
3. What brand of gold ink should I buy so that I don't buy the wrong one?
4. What type of printer and printer ink do you use?
5. What software do you use?
6. What's your binding method called? *well, the answer to this one is on my blog, you just have to read carefully, but I guess you are not ready to commit that much time, right*

I don't answer these type of e-mails. I wonder instead why nobody asks following questions:
1. How many hours a day do you spend reading, researching, experimenting?
2. How many packages you ordered never arrived?
3. How many printers you tested before you came to a conclusion? Actually, have you come to a conclusion yet?
4. Can I join your travelling sketchbooks swap?

I was going to write more on this, but I found an interesting excerpt here that was saying it better that I ever could:
"What we are, unapologetically, is hostile to people who seem to be unwilling to think or to do their own homework before asking questions. People like that are time sinks — they take without giving back, and they waste time we could have spent on another question more interesting and another person more worthy of an answer. We call people like this losers (and for historical reasons we sometimes spell it lusers)."


  1. chiar ti a iesit bine stampila!!! imi place.

  2. Inca un baietel? :) E anul baieteilor asta!
    Foarte draguta stampiluta!!! Ce-as vrea si eu sa am talent la desen...hehe.
    Cu "criza" de materiale de la "inceput" ma confrunt eu acum si nu stiu de ce dar am o mai mare satisfactie cand fac ceva din putin :). Si cand trebuie sa-mi storc creierii sa gasesc ceva original si neobisnuit!
    Mie-mi place la nebunie sa folosesc servetele ca fundal acum... mi-am gasit niste modele dragute si le tot atasez de hartie...le decupez... asa imi fac mai nou imaginile...
    Ah si MULTUMESC MULTUMESC MULTUMESC din suflet pentru hartii si celelalte minunatii...acum am inceput sa le folosesc serios si te pomenesc de fiecare data cand am nevoie de o hartiuta mai deosebita sau de un fluturas :)ca la stash-ul de la tine apelez.

    Te pup!

    P.S. Au ajuns caietele calatoare in Italia!

  3. no questions from me ;-)
    just a note to say I love reading your blog ;-)

  4. Very well said, Meda. If people are interested in "casing" my cards then I think they should figure out how to do it by themselves!

    By the way...I may be "casing" your birthday cake....wonderful idea to create your own image.



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