Tuesday, November 20, 2012

How to Make a Beaded Frame for your Stationery (Cum sa faci o rama cu margele pentru invitatii sau felicitari)

This was not meant to be a tutorial, but mixing the beads for the frames was such a pleasant activity that I took some photos while doing it. I will explain the rest of the process in words.

Materials: cardstock frame, white PVA glue, beads in the colors of your choice.

My favorite part was choosing and mixing the beads.


Pentru a realiza aceste rame aveti nevoie de rame decupate din carton, aracet si margele in culorile preferate pe care urmeaza sa le amestecati. 

Then comes the unpleasant part. You have to cover your frame with a good amount of glue and pour the bead mix over it. Use a tooth pick to arrange the overlapping or stray beads, then let the frames dry over night.


Acoperiti ramele cu o cantitate generoasa de aracet si presarati margelele. Folositi scobitori pentru a le aranja pe cele ratacite sau suprapuse si lasati la uscat peste noapte.

Use these frames to make Christmas cards,wedding invitations or other stationery, gifts and decorations.
Don't worry if some of the beads fall off, there will be enough left to keep their beauty.


Folositi ramele pentru a realiza felicitari, invitatii, decoratiuni etc.
Nu va faceti probleme daca mai cade cate o margeluta. Nu se va observa lipsa ei.


  1. Ce frumos. Tot ce faci arata asa de bine!

  2. Foarte ingenios! Imi place foarte mult idea si rezultatul. Felicitari!

  3. Congratulations on your first tutorial! This sure gives me some ideas with Nestabilities, double-sided tape and glitter....


  4. Hi Cathy,
    This is surely not my first tutorial, although I don't really like writing them.
    An advice: don't use double sided tape or the glitter will eventually fall. Your best option is white PVA glue.


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