Saturday, January 5, 2013

Seed Beads Winter Wedding Stationery (Papetarie cu margele de nisip pentru nunti de iarna)

It's not spring yet, although yesterday I had my mind set on showing you our spring projects. We had huge snowflakes falling from the sky this morning. So I decided to post yet another winter wedding stationery idea.

Pe cand credeam ca vine primavara, azi dimineata au cazut din cer niste fulgi imensi. Asa ca am hotarat sa aman inca putin seria de postari privind proiectele de primavara si sa va mai prezint o idee potrivita pentru nunti de iarna.

Beaded invitations and menus with table numbers.
Invitatii si meniuri cu numar de masa decorate cu margelute.

Beads and snowflakes money envelopes.
Plicuri de bani cu fulgi si margelute.

Here's a tutorial on how to make those beaded frames.
Daca doriti sa incercati, gasiti aici instructiuni pentru realizarea acestor rame cu margele de nisip.

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