Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Mickey Mouse Baptism Invitation (Invitatie pentru botez cu Mickey Mouse)

Once upon a time there was a beautiful young lady who got married to the prince of her dreams.
Two years later, a young prince was born and they baptized him in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I had the honor of making the invitations for this special event as I did for his parents' wedding.

A fost o data ca niciodata o tanara domnita care s-a casatorit cu printul visurilor sale.
Doi ani mai tarziu li s-a nascut un fiu pe care l-au botezat in numele Domnului nostru Isus Hristos, iar eu am avut onoarea sa realizez invitatiile pentru acest eveniment deosebit, la fel cu le-am facut pe cele de la nunta.

Here is my interpretation of a paper Mickey Mouse. All the hats and bows were hand cut and mounted on foam pads for dimension. My favorite part was seeing all these Mickey Mice together. I was almost sorry to let them go.

Iata interpretarea unui Mickey Mouse de hartie din perspectiva mea. Funditele si palariile sund decupate manual si lipite cu picioruse din burete pentru un aspect tridimensional. Partea mea preferata a fost sa-i vad pe toti soriceii Mickey impreuna. Aproape ca mi-a parut rau dupa ei.


  1. As usual Meda you have outdone yourself in creativity! These are adorable.
    Now that my health is a bit better I hope to visit your blog like I used to :) brings me so much joy to see your work.

    hugs, Valerie

  2. Thank you, Val, I'm glad to hear you are feeling better.


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