Friday, July 18, 2014

My Corner of Heaven (Coltul meu de rai)

Thus is my little corner of heaven. It's a place where I can be myself. A place where ideas emerge from everywhere I look, a place that calls me every time I am someplace else. Probably the reason for my not being a good christian. I don't long for heaven. Mine is already here.

The table on the left is one of my inspiration tables. This is where ideas are born. It's where I put things that look well together for when I have time to complete a design.

I bought a handful of fresh lavender bouquets from a gypsy lady outside my local Lidl today. My studio is filled with the scent of these lovely flowers. I initially bought them to have in stock for future lavender invitations, but now they fill my heart with joy because they are beautiful, they smell good and they bring a new light to the studio.


Pe romaneste, asa arata masa mea cu idei (una dintre ele) asa cum am lasat-o azi dupa-masa.
Abia astept sa ma intorc luni la atelier. E coltul meu de rai. De asta nici nu pot fi un bun crestin, pentru ca eu nu tanjesc dupa alt rai decat cel pe care il am deja.

Acolo nu trebuie sa fac pe plac nimanui. Acolo miroase frumos a lavanda pe care am cumparat-o de la o tiganca in parcarea Lidl. Initial m-am gandit sa o am pe stoc pentru alte invitatii cu lavanda, dar acum ma bucur ca miroase bine si ma inspira, pentru ca aduce o noua lumina in micul meu colt de rai. Nu am avut timp sa o aranjez in borcanase. Poate luni....


  1. ce colt minunat, luminos aproape ca se simte mirosul de lavanda prin cuvintele descrise. Spor si multa inspiratie! I love your work!!!

  2. Multumesc.
    Azi e ceva mai multa ordine.
    Incerc maine sa pun o poza pe Facebook :)


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