Thursday, February 11, 2016

Growing from Card Maker to Artist (De la Artizan la Artist Plastic)

I started this blog in 2007 as a way to share my crafting and card making with friends across the globe. I still love the things I was making back then. However I wasn't happy to call myself a crafter. I wanted to be an artist and believed that as an artist you have yo be able to draw. I knew I had it in me. I just had to practice, learn and practice some more.

Here I am, 9 years later, having turned that initial hobby into a full time business and after some formal training and continuous informal learning, finally being able to call myself an ARTIST.

Of all this story, the most important lesson I want to share with you all is to FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS, WORK HARD, and while you may not end up rich, your life will be filled with the joy of DOING WHAT YOU LOVE EVERY DAY.


Am inceput sa scriu acest blog in 2007 ca mijloc de a-mi impartasi pasiunea pentru handmade cu prieteni din lumea larga. Si azi iubesc felicitatile si lucrusoarele pe care le faceam atunci, dar in sufletul meu stiam ca vreau sa fiu mai mult decat un artizan, ca vreau sa ma numesc 'artist'.

In mintea mea un artist plastic trebuie sa stie desena, lucru pe care m-am straduit sa-l invat si sa-l exersez anii astia, fie mergand la Scoala Populara de Arte, fie participand la diferite cursuri online.

Intre timp am reusit sa-mi transform hobby-ul in afacere, crescandu-mi in acelasi timp cei doi baieti si crescand eu insami ca artist, astfel incat azi ma pot numi fara umbra de ezitare 'ARTIST PLASTIC'.

Lectia pe care vreau sa v-o impartasesc din toata povestea aceasta este ca, daca aveti un VIS, sa indrazniti sa-l urmati, MUNCIND DIN GREU si, chiar daca nu va veti imbogati din asta, FIECARE ZI VA FI O PLACERE iar MUNCA va deveni ODIHNA.

1 comment:

  1. Meda, I have seen your cards, wedding invitations, albums and I have a sunflower/dragonfly/ladybug hanging over my desk. You always were and artist. You are just adding another facet to you.



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