Thursday, March 17, 2016

Handmade Hummingbird Guestbook (Carte de oaspeti Colibri - handmade)

If anything, after watercolor I love making books: guestbooks, sketchbooks, photo albums and I love using them as well. I love that I can make them any size I want, any color, any number of pages, any type of paper, decorate the covers or leave them plain.

{RO} Unul din lucrurile mele preferate, dupa acuarela, e legatoria de carte. Imi place sa fac carti de oaspeti, caiete de schite, albume foto si imi place sa le si folosesc. Le pot face orice dimensiune, orice culoare, cu cate pagini si cu ce hartie vreau, cu copertile simple sau decorate.

Here is one of those books I poured my heart into. It was a custom guestbook for Isabelle Marie's hummingbird baptism or christening party, matching her hummingbird invitations.

{RO} Aceasta este una dintre cartile de oaspeti la care am lucrat cu multa pasine. A fost realizata pentru botezul lui Isabelle Marie si se assorteaza cu invitatiile ei de botez.

Her theme was hummingbird and florals and her colours were pink and gold. Being given creative freedom I could dive into this project and make it truly unique: vintage gold metallic pages and the hummingbird and floral theme carried through to the inside of the covers with some gold stamping and heat embossing, using the same stamps I used for the envelope liners. Here is a close up of the lovely raised image embossed on the inside covers.

{RO} Tematica botezului a fost pasarea colibri impreuna cu elemente florate, iar culorile predominante rozul si auriul. Faptul ca mi-am putut exprima liber creativitatea a ajutat enorm la reaizare aunui proiect cu adevarat unic. Pentru pagini am folosit hartie metalica aurie, apoi am introdus motivul colibri si pe copertile interioare, imitand interiorul plicurilor invitatiilor.

In the next post I will share some photos from the actual party that my client was kind enough to let me publish. You will be truly inspired.

{RO} In articolul viitor va voi prezenta si petrecerea botezului, organizata cu foarte mult talent si bun gust de Alice, mama lui Isabelle.


  1. absolutely stunning Meda

  2. Thank you so much, Val!

  3. carti de oaspeti si pentru vanzare?

  4. carti de oaspeti si pentru vanzare?

  5. Nu le am gata facute, Adriana, dar se pot face la comanda asa cum doresti.

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