Friday, March 6, 2009

Sneak Peak on Cora's Wedding Invitation (Privire pe gaura cheii la invitatiile de nunta ale Corei)

He is aDJ, she likes butterflies and I am making their wedding invitations. Yupeeee!
I don't think I can explain to you how deep involved I am in this design. When I design a wedding invitation I feel like designing for my own wedding and the feeling of the artist creating a work of art adds to that feeling. So I can say I have really found my way in life and that is designing wedding invitations.

El este DJ, ei ii plac fluturasii, iar eu le fac invitatiile pentru nunta. Yupeeee!
Nu cred ca pot sa va explic cat de implicata sunt in acest design. Cand lucrez la un model de invitatii o fac precum pentru propria-mi nunta. Adaugati la asta sentimentul artistului lucrand la o opera de arta si s-ar putea sa aveti tabloul complet.

Have I ever told you why I ever went to art school almost 2 years ago? Because I wanted to make possible any bride's fantasy when it comes to wedding invitations. I still don't have much time to put all my ideas to life, but they are waiting patiently until their master can release them ti the world :)......that was the fantasy Meda speaking. You should see me dreaming eyes open at a world of fairytale and it's early morning too!

Nu cred sa va fi spuc vreodata de ce m-am inscris la scoala de arte in urma cu aproape 2 ani.
Am facut-o pentru ca imi dorem sa pot crea orice invitatie si-ar dori vreo mireasa. Nu am timp acum sa-mi scot toate ideile la lumina, dar ele asteapta acolo linistite pana cand stapana lor va fi gata sa le faca cunoscute lumii..... zise Meda cea din lumea basmelor ! :) Ar tebui sa-mi vedeti mutra visatoare... desi e cam dimineata pentru basme cu zane.


  1. from what i can see ..WOW. they look so beautiful. you are a clever lady.
    the invited you come up with are out of this world. cant wait to see them all done . the colours look so rich too.
    round of aplause ( dont look right) but you know what i mean ;)

  2. Meda ... your feelings truly are showing in your wedding works! I'm smiling just reading your expressions, then viewing your creations. Surely the lucky couples for whom you design can sense that same love when they receive their finished creations from you!


  3. Buna dimineata, Meda, imi lasa gura apa numai cand vad sneak peak-ul, imi inchipui cat de frumoase vor fi cand vor fi gata!
    weekend placut!

  4. When is the reveal???? Can't wait to see the whole thing!


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