Monday, March 9, 2009

Sunflower Wedding Invitation - the one that did not get picked (invitatie cu floarea soarelui -cea care nu afost aleasa)

Last weekend I had designed quite a few sunflower wedding invitations. There were 2 that I was almost sure Betty would pick from and I was right. Here I am showing you the one that did not get picked. I will not show you the other one until later (probably after the wedding). This way I insure that the invitations stay unique to the couple I designed them for.

Weekendul trecut am lucrat la cateva modele de invitatii cu floarea soarelui. Erau 2 dinte care eram sigura ca Betty va alege unul si am avut dreptate. Va rat acum doar modelul care nu a fost ales, celalalt urmand sa-l vedeti abia mai tarziu, probabil dupa nunta. Aleg sa pastrez astfel unicitatea modelelor alese de cei carora le fac invitatii.

The invitation samples for Cora are ready. I'm just waiting for her to see them first and then will post them here. I will have one last sunflower invitation to show you if I have time tomorow.

Modelele de invitatii pentru Cora sunt gata. Astept doar sa le vada ea prima si apoi le voi posta si pe blog. Mai am insa un ultim model cu floarea soarelui pe care il voi publica maine daca am timp.


  1. Its gorgeous,

  2. Hello Meda, your invitation is lovely! I'm sure your friend loved the one she picked. Hope you are having a blessed day.


  3. really beautiful Meda, well done
    hugs, Valerie

  4. Meda, I have enjoyed each and every one of your sunflower cards! They are all so gorgeous! You have been very busy, girlfriend! I'm sorry I have been MIA for the past few weeks. But I'm back and hope to catch up on all that I've been missing out!

  5. your work is excellent, i love the sunflowers you have stamped

    sarah x


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