Thursday, August 6, 2009

Court Wedding Black and White Card and Invitation (Nunta la Palat: invitatii alb negru)

Hi everyone,

I came in just quickly to upload today's Be Inspired cards and tell you who won the the goodies from the previous post.

I am late with this post because... I have a very good reason... :P
I was bewitched by Harry Potter. hehe... Actually, after seeing the last Harry Potter movie on Sunday I had to find out how the story ends so hubby brought me the last book on Monday. What happen was 48 hours in which I only slept and ate enough to survive. Boy, I am glad I finished that book! DON'T START READING IT IF YOU'VE GOT THINGS TO DO like writing the Wednesday post for the Cuttlebug Challenge blog.

In cele din urma, dupa ce 2 zile am citit fara pauza ultima carte Harry Potter, iata si creatiile mele pentru Cuttlebug Be Inspired #34.

Cuttlebug Be inspired #34

The 2 cards below are my samples for Cuttlebug Be Inspired #34 and the beautiful frame they feature comes from MlamarreDesigns.
All those who want to join the challenge this week will receive a set of digital images to work with so head over to the Cuttlebug Challenge blog to see what's all about.

Cei care doresc sa participe saptamana aceasta la Cuttlebug Be Inspired vor primi un set de imagini digitale pe care sa le foloseasca. Mai multe detalii gasiti aici.

Wedding Card (Felicitare pentru nunta)

When I first saw this frame image in the set Maggie gave the team to work with, I knew it was my favorite and ideas started to pop out. Well, of course I had to make an elegant wedding card! Those will always be my favorite.

Cand am primit imagine aceasta de la Maggie, ideile au inceput sa apara una dupa cealalta. Am ales insa sa prezint doar 2 astazi.

Card recipe (ingrediente): Cuttlebug folder: Morrocan Screen; Frame digital image from MlamarreDesigns; cardstock: Fabriano Tela; flower, pearl and lace from stash; rub-on by American Crafts; Scor-it.

Wedding Invitation (Invitatie pentru nunta)

This is the first invitation design that I did just for the pleasure of designing this summer. Yes, it was a hot summer with lots of custom work so I didn't have time to create just because.

Acesta este primul design pe care l-am facut in vara aceasta doar de dargul de a crea. A fost o vara fierbinte cu foarte multe comenzi care nu prea mi-au lasat timp sa fac ceva doar asa, de capul meu.

I had a lot of request of black/white wedding invitations this year. While black and white is not a color theme many Romanian brides would choose, it happens to be one of my favorite combo when it comes to stationary.

Stiu ca alb si negru nu este paleta preferata a mireselor din Romania, dar am avut destul de multe cereri din alte tari, asa ca am hotarat sa creez mai mult cu aceste culori, care sunt si printe preferatele mele.

This invitation also features one of the papers I fell in love with lately: Fabriano Tela which has a linen texture that gives an extra touch of elegance when printed on.

Un ultim lucru de obsevat la acesta invitatie este textura de panza a hartiei care da o nota de eleganta in plus cand se tipareste pe ea.

Card recipe (ingrediente): Cuttlebug combo folder: Hearts; Frame digital image from MlamarreDesigns; cardstock: Fabriano Tela; Scor-it.


The winner is the person who wrote comment number 2. I actually picked the winner the old fashioned way, using 7 little pieces of paper with numbers on them. Christina, please e-mail me with your snail mail addy so I can send you the goodies.


  1. I think that last book was my fave. I couldn't put it down when I read it either. Your cards are stunning, gorgeous, ELEGANT!!!

  2. Gorgeous invitation, Meda. I very much want to join in the challenge this week. I'm hoping to get our electric back on soon. We've been out for several days after a very nasty storm. By the time I get home from work and get things squared away there it's too dark to do crafts. Not to mention that we have no Internet access at home so I have to check email at work. Hopefully we'll be back to normal soon. I love that black and white combo. Can't wait to get the digis. I haven't read Harry yet so I better wait until I get caught up with other things. Take care!

  3. Meda this is stupenduous :)
    Luv the elegant details :)

  4. Marvelous work Meda! No one does wedding themed items the way you do. So elegant and beautiful! :)

  5. Oooo, what a beautiful set! So elegant, clean and lovely!



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