Saturday, August 1, 2009

Birthday Organiser and a Giveaway (Oraganizator zile de nastere si un cadou)

Hello everyone

Today I have another gatefold project to show you. It is a birthday organiser I made for a friend. I had promised her one for ages but never had time to make it.

Revin cu un alt proiect de tip "gatefold" (daca stie cineva cum i-as putea spune in limba romana, miar fi de mare foloos). Este vorba despre un organizator de zile de nastere. Am promis de mult unei prietena ca-i voi face unul, dar abia acum am gasit timp.

For a detailed tutorial on how to make this, please visit Cuttlebug Challenge blog.
Puteti gasi un tutorial la Cuttlebug Challenge blog.

I'm only going to tell you the behind the scenes details here.
Aici voi prezenta doar detaliile din spatele scenei.

The ribbon flower (Floarea din panglica):

The flower is actually where the whole thing started. I was cleaning up after finishing the invitations from my previous post and thought of a way to use all that left over ribbon so I thought I should try and make a flower. I took a needle and thread and came up with this after half an hour:

Totul a pornit de la aceasta floare. Faceam ordina in urma terminarii invitatiilor prezentate in articolul precedent si ma gandeam cum as putea folosi resturle de panglica. Asa mi-a venit idee unei flori. Am luat ac si ata si dupa o jumatate de ora a iesit ceea ce vedeti:

Of course, the magnet only came after.
Evident, magnetul l-am adaugat doar mai tarziu.

The embossing folder (Matritele pentru stantare):

In the last post I said the *Textile* folder was my favorite. Well the *Victoria* folder is a close follower. Only time will tell which I am going to use more.

In ultimul articol spuneam ca *Textile* e matrita mea preferata, dar acum va spun ca *Victoria* o urmeaza indeaproape. Vom vedea cu timpul care va fi mai des utilizata.

There is also another folder I have used for this project called *Journaling card*. I must confess I thought I will rarely use it. Well, I was wrong. This folder is sooo versatile! You can make lots of great projects with it like mini albums, different card inserts, all types of books, even playing cards (just invent a nice game for your kids and make some cards using the journaling folder).

Maie e o matrita pe care am folosit-o in acest proiect numita *Journaling card*. Trbuie sa recunosc ca initial nu prea stiam ce voi face cu ea, dar pe parcurs mi-au venit o multinme de idei: mini albume, interioare pentru felicitari cu buzunar, tot felul de carticele si chiar carti de joc (poti inventa un joc pentru copilul tau si sa faci cartile de joc impreuna cu el).

The scoring tool (Biguitorul):

For ever so long I have been scoring using a ruler and stylus. Well not anymore. I now have a Scor-it. I will tell you more about it in a future post as this one is getting too long.

De foarte mult timp foloseam un liniar si o unelta cu bila in varf pentru a bigui (indoi) cartonul. Ei bine, acea era a luat sfarsit pentru ca acum am un Scor-it. Voi detalia acest subiect intr-un articol viitor, deoarece acesta a luat prea mari proportii.

The giveaway (Cadoul):

One lucky person is going to win the goodies in the image above.
All you have to do in order to be entered for this draw is leave a comment here and be a follower or e-mail subscriber to my blog.
I will be announcing the winner next Wednesday.

Good luck everyone!

O persona norocoasa va castiga lucrurile din imaginea de ai sus. Pentru a fi eligibil pentru tragerea la sorti trebuie sa lasati un comentariu la acest articol si sa fiti inscrisi ca urmaritori ai blogului (fie via blogger followers, fie via e-mail).
Castigatorul va fi anuntat miercuri.



  1. THis is gorgeous,
    Just popped in to say thank you so very much for the beautiful birthday card and goodies,
    Sure has brightened my day,

  2. good morning! hope you're having a good start to your weekend! I've been subbed to you for awhile now & love reading your blog!

  3. wow this is stuning!

    enjoy *~*

  4. I am a follower of your blog and i absolutely love the lace and the lucious color of purple ribbon. Thanks for the give-away and what a clever idea.

  5. Hello!
    You have a stamp on my blog
    It´s easy
    You need only tell to 10 friends they will receive it
    A kiss from Portugal

  6. I am a follower. thanks for a chance to win.

  7. Love the picket idea! Gorgeous work!


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