Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Imagine 275 Wedding Invitations in Boxes Tied with Purple Satin Ribbon (Imagineaza-ti 275 de invitatii pentru nunta in cutii legate cu fundite...)

Imagine 275 Wedding Invitations in Boxes Tied with Purple Satin Ribbon.... what, you can't, well let me help you.

Yes, what you couldn't even imagine, I have just finished making. I have lots of pictures but I just can't decide which to post here and which not. The invitation is gatefold and has the couple's picture inside. Besides, I have a habit of not showing the actual invitation online until the wedding day, but let's say this is a little sneak peak with the occasion of the last week you can enter the Fantastic Folders Contest at Cuttlebug Challenge Blog.

Here's how to enter:

1) Complete 4 of the 5 Be Inspired challenges of July over the Cuttlebug Challenge Blog. The first challenge in on July 1.

2) Submit your 4 creations to their respective Mr Linky widget.

3) Follow Cuttlebug Challenge Blog or add it to your blogroll if you don't have a blogger account.

4) Deadline is next Wednesday (August 5). We will announce the winner of ALL OF THE NEW CUTTLEBUG FOLDERS on August 6th!


Ok, so I have decided to show you another picture of the invitations.
This is my gatefold card for Be Inspired #42. And since we were allowed to use our favorite folders, well... none could beat the Textile folder in my book yet. One day I should count how many times I have used it :)

Come back September 19 to see more.


  1. Wow....275 bows and invitations....that's a lot of work. It looks great though.

  2. Meda, arata minunat, complimente!
    Te pup, Alina

  3. good night, these are gorgeous Meda!!!

  4. Another wonderful project, Meda! Simply beautiful!

  5. Gorgeous invitations, Meda! I love the CB folder. It's beautiful on those invitations. Have a great day!
    Hugs! Donna

  6. I'm with you...nothing can quite beat that textile folder; perfect for wedding theme too! Your work is gorgeous :)

  7. Please tell me you bought the boxes! LOL. These are gorgeous!


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