Sunday, September 20, 2009

The 100 Butterfly Wedding (Nunta celor 100 de fluturi)

Have you ever made 100 butterflies?
Ati facut vreodata 100 de fluturasi?

Well, I have last weekend. Not that it was my first time, but these ones really look impressive in such a number. They are now sitting on my desk ready to be shipped to their new home where they will probably adorn some wedding invitations or something else wedding related.

Eu da, weekend-ul trecut. Nu ca ar fi fost prima data, dar acestia chiar arata impresionant intr-un asemenea numar. Acum stau cu totii la mine pe birou asteptand sa fie expediati la noua lor locuinta unde probabil vor decora niste invitatii de nunta sau altceva legat de o nunta.

They are heat embossed on vellum using white embossing powder. The image is my favorite butterfly stamp and is by SU! from the Wonderful Wings set. And yes, they are all hand cut. It has been such a long time since my manicure scissors no longer do manicure but cut out images.

Fluturasii sunt realizati cu ajutorul unei stampile marca Stampin' UP! din setul Wonderful Wings folosind tehnica "heat embossing". Si da, sunt decupati cu forfecuta mea de manichiura care de mult nu a mai servit scopului pentru care a fost cumparata.

So, if you remember my mini album for Cuttlebug Be Inspired #49, this is where I got the idea from (my desk was full of butterflies when I made it).
Asa ca, daca va amintiti de mini albumul de miercuri, de aici mi-a venit ideea (masa mea de lucru era plina de fluturasi).

There is still time to sign up for this challenge. You will get an extra week to finish your mini album so you really shouldn't miss this opportunity to get published in the Ready, Set, Create Magazine and win the great prize package offered by the Cuttlebug Challenge Blog Sponsors.
Mai aveti inca o saptamana sa participati la Cuttlebug Be Inspired #49. Castigatorii vor avea sansa de a le fi publicate proiectele in Ready, Set, Create Magazine sau vor primi marele premiu de la sponsorii Cuttlebug Challenge.

I do have another project to show you from the "100 butterfly" series, but this post is already too long so I will have to do that tomorrow.
Mai am sa va arat un proiect din seria "100 fluturi", dar articolul acesta e deja prea lung asa ca va trebui sa o las pe maine.

How about you, have you ever made 100 butterflies? I'd love to hear your crafty butterfly sories.
Dar voi? Ati facut/decupat vreodata 100 de fluturi? Mi-ar face placere sa imi scrieti despre povestile voastre cu fluturi facuti de mana.


  1. These are just stunning!
    They look so beautiful.I know the customer will be so happy with these.. wonderful work.
    No i have to say I have never done this many butterflies. But you have got me wanting to.

  2. Hey :) I really love your butterfly model ... could you give me a hint about where i can find that pattern?

  3. You can find the butterfly stamp at any SU! demonstrator unless it is already retired.

  4. Beautiful butterflies! They will make something very spectacular wherever they go! I love your tag mini book. I finished my book last night so I'll be posting it tonight if I can get pictures when I get home this evening. It's been raining here the last few days so it's so dark and dreary to be taking pictures but I hope to get that done tonight! I've never made that many butterflies before. How do you emboss without the vellum curling up from the heat?

  5. Fabulous mini album... love the embossed BG and the butterly... wow! 100 butterflies... I am not sure I would have the patience to do it... great job!

  6. Donna, when I use this image the vellum doesn't curl (although the weight of the vellum and the temperature of your heat gun might be a factor). However I did work with an image stamped on a vellum envelope that has curled up, but it then got back to normal after the vellum cooled.

  7. Wonderful white butterflies! A really amazing thing! The beauty issue of the hands of anyone become a part of the world's beauty...Thanks!


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