Monday, September 21, 2009

Calla Wedding Album and Butterflies (Album Nunta Cala si Fluturasi)

This wedding album is another project from my "100 butterfly" series.
Acest album de nunta este un alt proiect din seria "100 fluturi".

The butterflies were put in the box with the album. They could be used to decorate the pages or just left there as a nice surprise for those who would open it. See this post for how they were made.
Fluturasii au fost pusi in cutia cu albumul, putand fi lipiti in jurul fotografiilor sau lasati liberi ca o surpriza pentru cei ce vor deschide cutia. Pentru detalii despre cum au fost facuti, cititi aici.

The cover (Coperta)

The cover is custom designed to match the calla lily theme of the wedding. I also added the couple's names and wedding date.
Am personalizat coperta cu tema nuntii, cala, cu numele mirilor si data nuntii.

I left the back cover plain, matching the front.
Am lasat coperta spate simpla, asortata cu cea din fata.

Both covers are custom size, made from a large sheet of bookboard and covered with printed designer paper.
Ambele coperte au o dimensiune non standard, fiind facute din carton de legatorie si acoperite cu hartie cu model.

The spine (Cotorul)

For the spine I used my favorite binding method: the Coptic Stitch. Then I decorated it with a sheer green ribbon to match the color theme.
Pentru cotor am folosit metoda mea preferata de legare: Coptic Stitch. Apoi l-am decorat cu o panglica asortata.

The pages (Paginile)

The pages inside alternate striped vellum and matching printed pages for the photos. The first page has a different design and a printed quote.
In interior paginile alterneaza foi de calc cu dungi si pagini tiparite pentru fotografii. Prima pagina are tiparit un design diferit si un citat.


  1. How beautiful is this book.
    Thi sis my kind of thing ( love the lilly, fave flowers) and the tones to the book .. wow just tottaly stunning creation x

  2. frumoase creatii, Meda, complimente!
    te pup, Alina

  3. Hi Meda:)
    I have enjoyed catching upon all your absolutly `stunning` creations..each one a complete work of Art!!!!TFSThose butterflys are majic TFS
    Have a ovely Evening:)xxx

  4. Oh my!
    This is truly exquisite, Meda! I'm fascinated with your binding stitches! Then, to top that off, you've added a sheer accent to that! Oh how I would enjoy sitting next to you to "see it in action"!


  5. Albumul foto este absolut superb!As fi interesata ce pret are unul si cat ar dura crearea unui album.Va multumesc mult!O zi buna!

  6. Albumul nu poate fi recreat identic. Pentru detalii suplimentare exista 3 adrese de e-mail la sectiunea contact.


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