Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Late Sunflower Wedding Invitation (O floarea soarelui tarzie. Invitatie de nunta)

My creative self says I must break the monotony of the purples, wines, lilacs and burgundy's I have been filling my blog with lately. So here it is, the only invitation that I made for 2 weddings this year. The others were all unique designs for unique weddings.

Eul meu creativ imi spune ca trebuie sa rup monotonia creata de nuantele de violet si visiniu cu care am umplut blogul in ultimul timp. Iata, asadar, singura invitatie pe care am facut-o anul acesta pentru 2 nunti. In rest au fost doar invitatii unicat pentru nunti unicat :)


  1. This is simply beautiful!

  2. Meda, this is absolutely stunning...all of your invitations are! You have such a talent!

    (-: Heidi

  3. So beautiful and elegant just like all your work !

  4. I love this invite. Is there any way you can post how to make and/or where to get supplies? Cost? I'd even consider buying them from you if that's an option???

  5. I love these! Details on how to make, where to get supplies, or even cost to possibly buy them from you???

  6. Jennifer, these are the easiest invitations I have made all year.

    I am answering here since I have no other means of contacting you.

    All you need is colored cardstock (brown and cream), white cardstock for printer, sunflower clipart, good detail scissors and double sided tape. You will also need a metal ruler, pencil, craft knife and cutting surface.

    The invitation sleeve is a gatefold cut as seen in the image. The inside is a simple folded card with the initials on the outside and the invitation wording on the inside.

    You need to print and hand cut 2 flowers for each center. Leave one as it is and cut away the back petals from the other. Adhere them using foam tape for dimension.

    They are really easy to make but cutting the flowers requires lots of patience and a good amount of time.

    I make these invitations for $2 each (mailing envelope included).

    I hope I have cleared your question. You have my email address on the sidebar if you need more info.

  7. Hello, this is absolutely gorgeous! Do you know where i can find that kind of textured brown paper?


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