Monday, October 26, 2009

Sneak peak: What's the French for "Feather"? (Cum se spune "pana" in franceza?) is ........... LA PLUME!

What's with me and the French, right?
Well, I have always had a weakness for Versailles and all the people who used to live there (described by Alexandre Dumas, of course!) I used to recite entire passages from The Three Musketeers.

Ce tot am eu cu francezii, nu?
Paaai... am eu o slabiciune pentru Versailles si personajele din romanele lui Alexandre Dumas. Obisnuiam sa recit pasaje intregi din "Cei trei muschetari".

French royalty novels is exactly what inspired these invitations that are finally leaving stage (my work table that is). All I can tell you for now that these are the most intricate and extravagant invitations I have ever made (took me an entire week just to design them). The picture above is just one of the many combinations I have tried.

Invitatiile al caror design tocmai l-am termiat sunt inspirate din romanele cu monarhia franceza. Acestea sunt cele mai extravagante invitatii pe care le-am facut pana acum. Doar designul mi-a luat o saptamana intreaga. Sa fie oare o avanpremiera la ce urmeaza ..? :)


  1. Beautiful, Meda! And one of my favorite colors too! Great job!

  2. Yes, Donna, definitely one of your fave colors. I do owe you some satin flowers but still haven't managed to prepare my mail for going out. Hope you have a little bit more patience.

  3. Ahhhhhh, this is exquisite! Beautiful color ... love the lace and feather ... er .. uh ... la plume!



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