Monday, January 11, 2010

Butterflies, Babies and Roses (Fluturasi, bebelusi si trandafiri)

cuttlebug butterflies
Have you ever seen any baby project on my blog?
Ati vazut cumva proiecte pentru bebelusi la mine pe blog?

I can't say I haven't made a couple, but I have a feeling you will be seeing a lot of those now that I have 1 baby nephew and 1 newborn niece, plus so many of my friends having their firstborns or second children.

Nu ma pot lauda cu prea multe, dar presimt ca asta se va schimba acum ca am un nepotel sub un an si o nepotica abia nascuta, plus copiii prietenilor nostri.

So, these lovely butterflies are going to end up on Emilia's birth announcements. I am not using traditional baby girl colors because I really hate that baby pink when overused.

Acesti fluturasi dragalasi vor ajunge pe anunturile de nou-nascut ale Emiliei. Culorile sunt netraditionale pentru ca eu personal detest rozul acela deschis pentru fetite-bebelusi.

Stay tuned for the final result. I am working hard to finish them today so they can leave for Germany with tomorrow's post.

Va stept in curand pentru a vedea rezultatul final. Muncesc de zor sa termin pana maine si sa le trimit in Germania.

fluturasi cuttlebug

Supplies used (Materiale folosite):
- Cuttlebug *butterfly* die and embossing folders (sablon fluturas de la cuttlebug)
- Paper flowers left from Paul and Veronica's wedding invitations. (Flori de hartie ramase de la invitatiile lui Paul si Veronicai)
- Pattern paper (my own design) left from Beni and Anamaria's wedding invitations. I made these invitations back in 2007 and 2008 so they are not posted on this blog, but I promise I will show them to you one day.
(Hartie cu model propriu ramase de la invitatiile lui Beni si Aneimaria. Am facut aceste invitatii in 2007 si 2008, deci nu sunt pe blog, dar promit sa vi le arat intr-o zi.)


roses for handmade by meda

I received this beautiful bouquet of roses from Irina. Thank you very much! I am so thrilled that more and more Romania women are embracing crafting in their spare time.
Am primit acest minunat buchet de trandafiri de la Irina. Multumesc frumos, Irina. Sunt asa de incantata ca in sfarsit tot mai multe femei din Romania imbatiseaza acest hobby.

In honor of this I am awarding the "Beautiful Blog" prize to my 2 newfound Romanian cardmaking friends (Laura from India and Maria from Alba Iulia) and an older blogger whose blog is my place to go when I need some peace with God: Andreea.

In onoarea cestui fapt, acord premiul "Beautiful Blog" noilor mele prietene Laura din India si Maria din Alba Iulia precum si unei mai vechi autoare de blog, Andreea, unde merg atunci cand caut putina pace cu Dumnezeu.


  1. Awww!!! ce sweet sunt trandafiri!! A meritat efortul si munca!!Imi place ca ai schimbat traditia culorilor si a materialelor cand vine vba de copii! Hugs!!!

  2. The butterflies are beautiful,
    Congrats on the award,

    Can I ask a question please,
    When I won on cuttlebug with my wishing well or post box card ages ago, was there a prize? or was it just for the banner to go on my blog?
    If it was a prize I have never received anything.
    Please let me know

  3. Abia astept sa vad rezultatul final in ceea ce priveste anunturile de nou nascut ale Emiliei !Oricum,dupa cate se pare va rezulta ceva deosebit...

    O seara placuta si spor la lucru iti doresc!


  4. MULTUMESC MULT! E primul "award" pe care il primesc si cu atat mai pretuit! Fluturasii sunt superbi... ca toti fluturasii tai de altfel :)Imi place indrazneala ta in a combina culorile. O sa fie ceva deosebit! Te pup, sa ai o zi frumoasa :)

  5. These are amazing Meda. You always come up with ideas that are classy and yet oh so original. The colour just knocks my socks off. Looking forward to seeing more baby projects. Have fun with the niece & nephew!

  6. Ce interesante sunt. Felicitari!
    Eu nu le am cu lucrul manual, dar bine ca au altii :))


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