Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Crafting is in the Family (Lucrul manual e in familie)

Today I have an unusual post to share.
Azi va retin atentia cu un articol mai deosebit.

My brother just dropped by in his lunch break to show me what he has made with my leftover feathes from Roxana's wedding invitations (will show you those in april after the wedding).
Fratele meu tocmai a trecut pe la mine in pauza de masa sa-mi arate ce a facut cu penele ramase de la invitatiile Roxanei (pe care le veti vedea abia in aprilie dupa nunta).

cosas pescuit artificialthis is an artificial grass hopper for fishing
cosas artificial pentru pescuit

muste pescuit artificialthis is an image of his artificial fly collection
o imagine din trusa de muste artificiale

It is only now that I start to realize this passion for crafting thing is a family legacy.
Abia acum incep sa inteleg ca pasiunea pentru lucru manual e o mosteire de familie.

My grandmother used to restore vintage furniture and has worked in some of the major palaces and castles from Romania and in a work shop from Hungary that had mostry international customers. I think the oldest thing she told me about was a 400-years-old cinnamon coffee table.
Bunica este restauratoare de mobila antica si a lucrat in cateva din palatele/castelele din Romania si intr-un atelier din Ungaria care avea clienti din intreaga lume. Cea mai veche piesa despre care mi-a povestit a fost o masuta din lemn de scortisoara veche de 400 de ani.

My father has done it all: fishing nets, fishing hooks and cages, origami things for us when we were kids, live bugs flying around a stick, secret compartment notebooks and lots of other things I cannot remember as I am writing this. He used to have a photography dark room back in the black and white photography days and he even made my first chopsticks during my Kung Fu years.
Tata a facut de toate: plase, carlige, cosuri de pescuit, origami pentru noi cand eram copii, carabusi zburand in jurul unui bat, carnetele cu pagini secrete si multe altele. A avut un studio foto pe vremea fotografiilor alb-negru si mi-a facut pana si primele betisoare chinezesti in anii cand faceam Kung Fu.

My brother and I always had some crafting going on especially around Christmas, but now that he has found this artificial fly making and fishing hobby I can see it all more clearely. Well, better late than never...
Eu si fratele meu am facut intotdeauna cate ceva, mai ales in jurul Craciunului, dar de cand si-a descoperit acest hobby al pescuitului si mustelor artificiale am inceput sa vad mai clar de ce Handmade by Meda. Mai bine mai tarziu decat niciodata :P...

Thank you for reading this insight of my family's crafting history. Let me know if you want to see more images of those nasty bugs. My camera went off today so I only caught a few pictures.

Multumesc ca m-ati insotit prin istoria de lucru manual a familiei mele. Lasati un comentariu daca doriti sa vedeti mai multi gandaci... :) Azi mi s-a descarcat aparatul de fotografiat si nu am reusit sa fac prea multe poze. P.S. eu nu indraznesc sa pun mana pe ele ca mi se ridica parul pe mana.

fishing grashoppers


  1. Oh WOW! Meda. These flies are wonderful. Your brother is an artist too. How fantastic. Well, from the sounds of things it's genetic! I can't tell you how much I loved reading about your amazing family & your childhood memories. Thank You for sharing that!

  2. OHHOOO!!!! Imi place foarte mult prima poza !Asta da traditie:D.E de admirat si de apreciat lucrul asta!


  3. I'm a bit scared by bugs not too fond of them but I can see the crafty side on these ones...how nice to belong to a crafty family it's definitely in your blood.


Thank you so much for taking time to leave comment.