Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Cuttlebug Be Inspired #66 and the New Romance Folders

Welcome to a new Cuttlebug Be Inspired Challenge!
Bun venit la un nou Cuttlebug Be Inspired Challenge!

This week we continue featuring the Asian Folders and the challenge is to create POCKET cards using RED.
Saptamana acesta continuam prezentarea sabloanelor cu teama Asia, iar provocarea este asa creem felicitari (si nu numai) cu buzunare folosind totodata culoarea rosie.

Ok, my red is mixed with a little blue, but the design team has created some amazing cards using this Asian color.
E drept, rosul meu e amestecat cu albastru, dar fetele din echipa de designeri chiar au creat niste felicitari foarte frumoase cu aceasta culoare specific asiatica.

Asian Pocket Card

This pocked card is inspired by one I got a year ago from my Texas friend Bev.
Since I don't like red, for me Asian means butterflies and cherry blossoms (the pattern paper I used for the butterfly).
Felicitarea acesta e inspirata din una primita de la Bev, o prietena din Texas. Pentru ca nu prea ma dau in vant dupa rosu, pentru mine asiatic inseamna fluturas din hartie cu model de flori de cires.

This type of card is great for short messages like save the dates, thank you's. I am going to send mine to my SIL to say congratulations for her new baby Emilia. Her newborn announcements are ready and I hope to find some time to share some images tomorrow.
Acest tip de felicitare este foarte ptrivit pentru mesaje scurte cum ar fi rezervari de data pentru casatorie sau felicitari de multumire. Eu o voi trimite cumnatei mele sa o felicit pentru noua lor fetita. Sper sa gasesc timp maine sa va arat si cateva poze cu anunturile de nou-nascut ope care le-am creat pentru ea.


And now I want to share a new surprise from Provo Craft, the creator of Cuttlebug.
As vrea sa va impartasesc acum o surpriza de la Provo Craft, creatorii Cuttlebug.

It's the new Romance folders, perfect for your love and Valentine projects. The chandelier is my favorite I think. I can't wait to get my hands on them. The folders are on sale here.
E vorba de noile sabloane Romance, perfecte pentru proiectele de Sf. Valentin. Cred ca preferatul meu e candelabrul si abia astept sa pun mana pe ele. Se gasesc la reducere aici.


  1. Beautiful and elegant. I love purple!

  2. Meda your card is `gorgeous` I love the purple..the butterflys are gorgeous!!!TFI:)xxx

  3. Meda, this is beautiful!!! and I totally love the butterfly, particularly the flower center!

  4. I love it! Cat despre sabloane cu siguranta candelabrul este superb!


  5. Love the simplicity of this elegant take for the pocket card! tfs :)

  6. your pocket card is so pretty Meda and I love your butterfly! I'm sure your SIL will love it
    hugs, Valerie

  7. Meda, you have such a rare talent for understated elegance, and I envy anyone who can make purple work go beautifuly!!
    Congratulations to your family on the arrival of a sweet new baby!!

  8. Oh Meda! You are such an inspiration. Your butterfly additions are exquisite!! Your SIL will treasure this indeed. Congratulations, Auntie Meda!


  9. Foarte frumoasa felicitarea!Cu mult bun gust...




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