Sunday, January 24, 2010

I Would Like You to Read This (As vrea sa cititi asta)

It's 1 am here and I am still working on a design that looks like the most challenging I was ever requested.
E ora 1 si eu lucrez inca la probabil cel mai dificil design care mi-a fost cerut pana acum.

You can see my work book in the image above and I don't think you want to see my digital resource file!
In imaginea de sus puteti vedea caietul meu de lucru, si nu cred ca ati vrea sa vedeti cum arata fisierul cu resurse digitale.

I will probably work for another hour or more, but I had to stop and share this article I found.
It is about the FAQ's I will never answer. I get up every morning to find at least 1 question about how I am doing it, what materials I use, where I buy my supplies from. Some of the answers are already on my blog but they don't even bother reading it. They just want it all served on a silver plate.
Well, after reading Tifany's article I finally decided I am not going to answer those questions anymore. Really I am working 16 hours a day. That's my only secret.

Voi mai lucra probabil inca o ora sau mai mult, dar a trebuit sa ma opresc sa va atrag atentia asupra unui articol pe care l-am gasit. Este despre intrebari frecvente la care nu voi mai raspunde.
Ma trezesc in fiecare dimineata cu cel putin o intrebare despre cum fac, cu ce materiale, de unde le cumpar. Unele raspunsuri se afla deja pe blog, dar respectivele persoane nici nu se obosesc sa le citeasca. Vor totul servit pe platou.

Ei bine, citind articolul lui Tifany am hotarat sa nu mai raspund la stfel de intrebari. Muncesc 16 ore pe zi. Acesta este singurul secret.

For all those who want to do what I do, I have 2 pieces of advice:
1. Be passionate about it (you make more money as a shop assistant than I make).
2. Don't copy, find your own style.

Pentru toti cei care vor sa faca ceea ce fac eu, am 2 sfaturi:
1. Faceti-o doar daca va pasioneaza ( o vanzatoare castiga mai bine decat mine).
2. Nu copiati. Gasiti-va propriul stil.


  1. well said Meda! will your doodling above become an invitation?
    that's really fasinating to me.
    hugs, Valerie

  2. Stiu ca faci lucrurile cu pasiune,altfel nu ar iesi lucruri atat de minunate,divine!Felicitari pentru harul pe care-l posezi si pentru munca pe care o depui,ca altfel nu se poate!!!

    O duminica placuta!,


  3. Stiu exact despre ce vorbesti, ei eu patesc la fel si mereu am zis ca sunt rea daca nu le raspund, desi tot ce ma facut am descoperit singura si niciodata nu am cersit informatii. Te felicit pentru munca ta, pentru creativitate si pentru ambitie! Cu drag,


  4. ma bucur ca ai hotarat asa. cine are pasiune face fara sa aiba nevoie de altceva. simtul iti zice tot. in plus, munca e cea care incoroneaza succesul. daca nu ai talent si pasiune nimic nu pti face-indiferent de informatia pe care o detii!

  5. Some hours ago I asked you something about letterpress. Im Spanish and I can't read very fast in English, then I can't read ALL I see always in ALL blogs I see, but I try. More if I recently discovered you.
    It seems very bothering to you (and for some more, like these girl, Tifany), of course,to receive every day this questions.
    Sure the most of them are "simple" to answer for oneself with research. But, wait! perhaps you are part the help that someone needs...
    Sorry if I bothered you. It's just that I haven't find any answer that can helps me.
    I will continue searching, don't worry :)


Thank you so much for taking time to leave comment.