Monday, January 25, 2010

Handmade By Meda at CHA Winter 2010

white butterfy invitation detail
I had the honor and privilege to create for CHA Winter 2010 representing Provo Craft and their oh so versatile machine, Cuttlebug.
Am avut privilegiul si onoarea sa reprezint compania Provo Craft si produsul lor Cuttelbug la targul de iarna CHA (Craft and Hobby Association) din Aneheim California.

I was asked to design a white wedding stationary set .
Since I didn't have any colors to play with I decided to use texture as my means of expression.
Tema propusa a fost papetarie de nunta avand ca si culoare principala albul. Intrucat nu aveam la dispozitie alte culori, am hotarat sa ma folosesc de textura ca mijloc de expresie.

The Invitations

 invitatii albe cu pene si fluturi
I always design my invitation with a setting and theme in mind.
Intotdeauna cand creez o invitatie imi place sa am in minte decorul si tema nuntii.

This was no exception so I would like to introduce you to the setting I imagined for my wedding: We are in Reykjavik, Iceland in a beautiful Gothic palace called Swan Palace (we had Christmas Dinner there if you remember). There are long whitewash wooden tables with an isle of white recycled cans filled with white twigs and butterflies. Black and white damask wallpapers...... It's cold outside but we have a nice fire, feathers and butterflies to warm our spirit.

Nici de data acesta nu am facut exceptie, asa ca doresc sa va introduc mai intai in ambianta acestei nunti imaginare: Ne aflam in Reykjavik, capitala Islandei, intr-un minunat castel gotic numit "Palatul Lebedelor". Daca va mai amintiti, de Craciun v-am invitat la cina aici. mesele sunt lungi din lemn vopsit alb, cu un sir de aranjamente din crengute albe cu fluturi (tot albi) pe mijloc si scaune asortate, tapet cu modele de damask alb cu negru.... Afara este foarte frig, dar
focul dinauntru, penle si fluturasii incalzesc spiritul.

For the invitations I decided to go with my signature box invitations. I used a mix of white and silver papers, a fleur de lis texture, white feathers, butterflies, pearls and vintage German lace.

Am decis sa fac invitatii in cutii (semnatura Handmade by Meda). Am recurs la o mixtura de cartoane albe si argintiu, textura fleur de lis, pene albe, fluturi, perle si dantela antica germana.

The Flower Girls Bouquet
(Buchet pentru domnisoarele de onoare)
For the ceremony I imagined the flower girls caring bouquets made of feathers, pearls and butterflies.
They can also be used as centerpieces when put in a clear vase half filled with pearls.

Petru ceremonie mi-am imaginat domnisoarele de onoare avand buchete din pene albe, fluturi si perle.
Aceleasi buchetele pot fi folosite ca aranjamente pentru mese daca sut asezate in recipiente din sticla transparenta pe jumatate umplute cu perle.

 white butterfly and feather bouquet
Now imagine this bouquet made at larger scale for a bride's bouquet. One day I will make one just for fun.
Imaginati-va acest buchet la o dimensiune mai mare, ca buchet de mireasa. Intr-o zi voi face unul doar asa, de placere.

The Reception Stationery
(Papetaria pentru receptie)

Centerpiece made from a recycled can, twigs painted white, paper stripe, white lace, cuttlebug fleur de lis folder, white feather and small gem. Cuttlebug butterflies are scattered through the twigs.
Aranjament facut dintr-o cutie de conserva reciclata, crengute vopsite cu alb, fasie de hartie, dantela alba, sablon cuttlebug fleur de lis, pene albe, stras transparent. Fluturi albi taiati cu cuttlebug sunt imprastiati printre crengute.

The table number is made using 2 cut-out embossed flourish frames.
Numar pentru masa facut din 2 rame embosate cu " flourish frame" si decupate.

table number and centerpiece for white wedding

Fleur de lis place card. Simple place card using the fleur de lis folder and the guests names printed on a vellum stripe.

Cartonas asezare la mese cu motiv fleur de lis. Numele invitatilor este tiparit pe o fasie de calc.

 fleur de lis place card

Favor box
made from bookboard. I made the actual box 2 years ago and it was a pain making 200+ of them. So if you can find chipboard boxes use those, don't start cutting little book board pieces like me. :)
I painted the box white, added some fleur de lis paper made with my cuttlebug folder, vellum butterfly using cuttlebug butterfly die, feather, pearls, rub-ons from American Crafts.

Marturii confectionate din carton de legatorie. Aveam cutia de vreo 2 ani cand am facut peste 200 bucati pentru o nunta. A fost o munca sisifica si as prefera sa folosesc cutii gata facute in loc sa tai eu carton de legatorie bucatica cu bucatica.
Am vopsit cutia alba si am decorat-o cu hartie texturata cu fleur de lis, fluturas din calc, pene, perle si rub-ons de la American Crafts.

 marturie cu fluture alb pene si perle

Napkin ring using fleur de lis folder and a clear rhinestone.
Inel pentru servetel din carton cu fleur de lis si stras mare transparent.

inel servetel pentru o nunta alba

The Thank You Cards
(Felicitari de multumire)

Featuring another of my favorite cuttlebug folders: Victoria.
Felicitari de multumire reprezentand inca una din texturile mele preferate: Victoria.

felicitare de multumire


See what I stated at the beginning? No other color than white, yet the beautiful textures make this stationary set look so impressive: cuttlebug embossed papers, the initial papers themselves have different subtle textures, elegant and romantic lace, delicate feathers , precious pearls, ice-cold silver wire... I have also written this article with more supply details for Cuttlebug Challenge blog and it will go online at 3:00 PM EST.

Ati observat ceea ce spuneam la inceput? Am folosit doar o singura culoare, albul, si totusi frumusetea si eleganta a putut fi obtinuta prin textura: hartie stantata cu sabloanele cuttlebug, cartoanele initiale care au si ele difetite texturi subtile, dantela eleganta si romantica, penele delicate, pretioasele perle, sarma argintie si rece... Veti putea gasi acest articol cu mai multe detalii privind materialele pe blogul Cuttlebug Challenge incepand cu ora 15 EST.

I wish I had time to create a menu and guest book.
Imi pare rau ca nu am mai avut timp sa creez o carte de oaspeti si un meniu.


Thank you for reading this far. I know my posts are very long but there is always so much to say when you love what you are doing.
And I have more interesting things coming. Just stay tuned using either my blogger follow widget or sign up for my blog post emails.

Multumesc ca ati avut rabdarea sa cititi pana aici. Stiu ca articolele mele sunt cam lungi, dar e asa de mult de spus despre lucrurile care te parioneaza...!
Pregatesc si alte lucruri interesante in viitorul apropiat, asa ca fiti pe faza. Va puteti abona la emailurile care va sunt trimise in casuta postala la fiecare articol nou sau puteti urmari blogul prin widgetul de "followers (persoane interesate)"

I appreciate your comments. Lots of thanks to Tatanky, Beth, June, Shantaie, Irina, Lollyrot, Laura, Cindy, Tex(Bev), Val, Alina, Donna, Terrie and so many others who bring me joy all the time with their nice words.

Apreciez foarte mult comentariile voastre. Multumesc pentru cuvintele lor frumoase lui Tatanky, Beth, June, Shantaie, Irina, Lollyrot, Laura, Cindy, Tex(Bev), Val, Alina, Donna, Terrie si multi altii care se obosesc sa-mi lase cate un mesaj.


  1. Speechless,
    These are outstanding, absolutely gorgeous,

  2. OMG MEDA!!!!Nici nu ai idee ce uimita sunt acum!!! superbe detaliile!!! Buchetul pentru domnisoarele de onoare e superb!!! cred ca ar merge si pentru mireasa! Fiecare detaliu in parte e minunat! Chiar daca nu sunt o adepta al albului de data asta ma las invinsa! micile perlute, dantela iar de fluturi sa nu mai spun!
    Sa nu imi spui ca ai folosit cutia de metal de la pate:D (Bucegi?)
    Desi nu imi plac foarte mult nuntile la o astfel de nunta as lua parte cu cea mai mare placere!

    Articolele tale nu sunt lungi :d au un continut care merita citit!


  3. Oh Meda this is just exquisite. I just love, love, love did I mention love ? your work :) so elegant and beautiful and is so interesting when you describe the settings for your inspiration and Thanks to you. GRACIAS !!

  4. Meda -

    You are the Goddess of Paper Art!! This set you have created is absolutely outstanding! I bow humbly to your genius. I've been told that I am very detailed oriented in my work, but you must have the patience of a saint to do the work that you do. I am truly in awe of your art. I've always loved what you create, but this is just beyond words. Thank you so much for sharing with us. I look foward to what you have to show us on the Cuttlebug Challenge site.

    Elaine Allen

  5. Totul arata extraordinar, Meda, nici nu stiu ce-mi place mai mult! Dar cred ca daca m-ai lasa sa-mi aleg ceva, atunci as alege buchetul cu pene si fluturi, e fabulos! Complimente si la mai multe participari la CHA!
    Hugs, Alina

  6. oh Meda!
    You have outdone yourself with these absolutely stunning creations. Your work should be in a Brides magazine!
    I would have loved having you make my wedding invitatios and ensamble, LOL!
    You are one of the most creative and talented ladies I've ever known.
    hugs, Valerie

  7. De foarte puţină vreme te-am "descoperit" şi pot să spun că îmi pare rău că s-a întâmplat aşa de târziu lucrul acesta. Eşti senzaţională! Lucrările tale sunt impecabile (mă refer atât la minunatele idei, cât şi la modul de realizare). Mi-am umplut sufletul "urmărindu-te"... Mi-aş dori (oricine cred că şi-ar dori) să pot da şi eu viaţă atâtor minunăţii! Mulţumesc!!!


  8. Oh my goodness! THESE are all incredible & beautiful!!! I actually saw these on other CHA sites... WOW!! You rock!!!


Thank you so much for taking time to leave comment.