Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Black Butterfly and Poppies (Felicitare cu fluture negru si maci)

Third post today!
Sorry guys, but I have soooo many things I haven't showed you yet.
I just finished this card for 2S4Y and I also made it match my butterfly box I posted earlier.

Al treilea articol pe ziua de azi. Imi pare rau, dar mai am o multime de lucruri sa va arat.
Tocmai am terminat acesta felicitare pentru concursul 2S4Y. De asemenea am vrut sa se asorteze cu cutia din articolul anterior.

 black butterfly and poppies

Of course I HAD to use a black butterfly!
And did you see these black poppies I cut with my cuttlebug die? I have had it for ages and this is the first time I managed to use these poppies on a project. I wonder why. It's an image I really like.
Evident A TREBUIT sa folosesc un fluture negru.
Si ce ziceti de macii acestia negri taiati cu cuttlebug? Aveam stanta de multa vreme, dar e prima data cand reusesc sa-i folosesc la un proiect. Ma intreb de ce. E o imagine care chiar imi place!

Both the butterfly and flower are spritzed with wine color glimmer mist. Since the cardstock is black you can only see the shimmer which is exactly the look I went for. Starting to like my glimmer mist more.
Atat fluturele cat si macii sunt stropiti cu Glimmer Mist de culoarea vinlui. Cartonul fiind negru nu se vede decat sideful din spray, adica exact ceea ce am urmarit. Incepe sa imi placa tot mai mult acest produs.


  1. This is striking and beautiful!

  2. Ador macii iar felicitarea ta este minunata !
    Deja stiu cum o sa arate si cum o sa se numeasca viitorul meu inel...''Black Poppy'' :) Ti-am furat ideea dar ti-am cerut permisiunea pe blogul meu ;)

  3. Pretty card! Love the black butterfly! Thanks for joining the fun this week at 2S4Y! :) Kathy

  4. Oh wow what a strikingly beautiful card!
    Thanks for playing at 2S4Y!

  5. your embossing is beautiful! This is a pretty card and like the colors!

  6. Hi Meda,
    I love this black and white card, it's striking.
    I'm liking the black and white too at the moment.
    hugs, Valerie

  7. Meda,
    This card is just exquisite, love it!!!!

  8. the black butterfly is brilliant makes everything even prettier

  9. Gorgeous! The black and white is so striking!


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