Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Vintage Style Butterfly Box (Cutie in stil antic cu fluturi)

This is one of those boxes that you might have seen in a Victorian dress room.... Little black ebony table with curved legs.....

Aceasta este una din cuttile pe care ai fi putut-o vedea intr-o camera din epoca victoriana.... pe o masuta neagra din lem de abanos cu picioarele curbate...

Well, it's not that old.... I just made it yesterday at my best friend's request.
Ei, nu e chiar asa de veche! Am facut-o abia ieri :) la cererea celei mai bune prietene.

I love her! She comes to me whenever she needs a gift and she asks for a coordinated box or other gift and card (card coming soon). She already knows where all the craft shops are and she buys the plain boxes on her way to my place. Love the shape of this one!

Tare imi place de ea! De cate ori are nevoie de un cadou vine la mine sa-i fac o cutie sau alt cadou si felictare asortata (in curand si feliciatrea).
Cum stie deja unde sunt magazinele cu articole de craft, cand vine la mine se opreste si cumpara si cutiile in drum. Imi place forma acestei ultime cutii.

The pattern paper on the bottom is from the Earth Love Kit by Cosmo Cricket. While I don't like their cartoonish designs I do love this kit that is a little bit more towards elegant.
Hartia cu model este din setul Earth Love de Cosmo Cricket care imi place mai mult decat altele pentru ca inclina spre elegant.

Since Cuttlebug Be Inspired #70 challenge is using fabric I decided to show this to you. I love doing decoupage with pretty floral fabrics.

Avand in vedere ca tema concursului Cuttlebug Be Inspired #70 este folosirea textilelor, am decis sa va arat si voua cutia. Imi place sa fac decupaj cu materiale elegante cu motive florale.

The butterflies are cut and embossed with my cuttlebug. I wanted to use black butterflies but everyone in the room (we had homemade pizza day yesterday)said it looked like a mortuary box.
Looks like I have to make one for myself just the way I like it. I really like black lately. I think it's extreme elegance.

Fluturasii sunt taiati si embosati cu cuttlebug. Eu am vrut sa-i fac negri dar toata lumea din casa spunea ca pare pentru morti (ieri a fost zi de pizza facuta in casa). Se pare ca va tebi sa-mi fac eu o cutie complet neagra pentru mine. In ultimul timp imi place foarte mult negrul. Il consider de o eleganta extrema.

Check out what the other Cuttlebug Design team Members have made using fabric.
Look how cool is this napkin ring by Odette! Matches my box, right?

Vreti sa vedeti ce au creat ceilalti membrii ai echipei de designeri cuttlebug folosind textile?
Ce ziceti de acest inel pentru servetel creat de Odette? Se asorteaza cu cutia mea, nu?


  1. Wow, Meda! It's so gorgeous! I really need to use that Modge Podge that's been sitting here forever! I love this.

    And be sure to show us a black butterfly version... I'm curious to see it! The butterflies in black look great!

  2. Stunning box, Meda! I love your elegant butterflies and the lid trim :)

  3. E grozava, Meda, imi place enorm!

  4. e ceva de genu reactia: IOI ,TULAI,VAI:))) se superb e inelul de servetel:D iar de cutie ce sa mai comentez:D imiplace forma ,de fluturi nu mai spun ca se stie .

    E usor sa incurajezi o persoana dar mai greu a cand vine vorba de tine:D asa ca pune-te si tu pe treaba cu desenele ca ai de lucru:D( prietenul meu a zis ca nu e draguta hartia:)) ca pare a fi de tipe barbie:D ,iar tu ai zis atunci doar ca nu ai alege tipul ala de hartie:D oricum nimic nu e cu suparare e doar o parere:D si tks pt ca esti sincera)
    cutia era deja vopsita neagra sau tu ai pictat-o? e un rezultat frumos oricum:D BRAVO

  5. So elegant indeed Meda! I love the decoupage of fabric, and those butterflies on the top are stunning! This is a beautiful project and I know your friend will just love it too!! :)


  6. Cutia era craft si am vopsit-o cu ultimele mele picaturi de acril negru. Asa ca pictura de maine va trebui sa o fac cu alb ca din ala am un tub mare :)

  7. Oh Meda, this is just beautiful. I hope you show us the box you make for yourself with the black butterflies!! That will be so luxurious looking too!

  8. Foarte eleganta cutia prietenei tale!;)
    Cum spunea si Shantaie... sa nu uiti sa ne prezinti si cutiuta ta ! :D

  9. Hey Meda, Love you box, specially all the butterflies and the fabric you used! Look gorgeous!!

    In other hand, your post made me laugh, the part where you mentioned that they said it looked like a mortuary box. Hahaha ..they for sure were kidding!

    Hugs from Dominican Republic!!

  10. Meda, I love your butterflys! They are always so beautiful. The box is lovely as well. The material matches perfectly.
    hugs, Valerie

  11. Hi Meda,
    I meant to ask you if the body of the white butterflys are pearls?
    How do you do that and attach to the butterflys?
    hugs, Valerie

  12. Thanks, Odette!
    They weren't kidding at all. Here people avoid black because they associate it with death. But I don't care what they say. I love black. In December they said the same about a Styrofoam ball with white butterflies. They said it looked like a toilet ball. Well, let me tell you it was the first to sell at he fair.

  13. Thanks Valerie!
    Yes, they are vintage German pearls. Have to love my MIL!
    I used UHU Twist and Glue (the black and yellow bottle)to adhere them.

    I will soon post a Meda's glue encyclopedia because that is one of the most important things about my crafting.

  14. Incantator, Meda! Iti citesc toate articolele de ceva vreme si imi bucur ochii si sufletul in acest fel...
    Si eu lucrez felicitari, dar sunt la inceput... Mi-ar placea foarte tare sa folosesc Cuttlebug, dar inca nu stiu mare lucru despre ea... Tu de unde ti-ai achizitionat-o?
    Spor la creatii si in continuare!

  15. Cuttlebug este produs in SUA si eu l-am cumparat online.

  16. Oh my gravy, Meda! This box is beautiful!!! Love the butterflies!!!

  17. Another gorgeous creation. Beautiful and elegant. I totally agree with you black is so elegant.


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