Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Fuchsia Quinceanera Invitations

The best part of designing invitations is being challenged to step out of my comfort zone like it happened with these quinceanera invitations.

Cea mai frumoasa parte a muncii de designer de invitatii este atunci cand clientii te imping dincolo de limitele tale de confort. La fel s-a intamplat si cu aceste invitatii pentru un bal de quinceanera unde mi s-a cerut sa folosesc fuchsia impreuna cu alb si auriu.
[Quinceanera reprezinta o traditie specifica Americii Latine catolice si marcheaza intrarea in maturitate a fetelor la implinirea varstei de 15 ani. De obicei acest eveniment se celebraeza cu un bal asemenator unei nunti, in functie de veniturile familiei.]

quinceanera invitation
Michell asked for a fuchsia white and gold color palette. I would have never used this combination (esp. fuchsia) had it not been for her. And oh how I love the result.

Daca nu era Michell eu nu as fi folosit niciodata fuchsia. Nici nu aveam carton de acesta culoare in atelier, insa acum imi place rezultatul.

star quinceanera invitation
I love the star although the initial butterfly idea seemed more feminine and my style. Again, you would have never seen a star on one of my invitations without my client's challenge. Thank you, Michell! I loved playing with this.

Imi place steaua, dar ideea initiala cu fluturele fuchsia mi-a placut mai mult. Cred ca ar fi rezultat o invitatie mai feminina si mai aproape de stilu meu. Din nou, nu as fi avut un design cu stea daca nu era provocarea clientei mele.

gold accent on invitation box

Really great colors. Working with fuchsia has opened a whole new perspective for my designs. How about wedding invitations in these colors?

Lucrul cu fuchsia mi-a deschis noi perspective. Mi-ar placea aceasta combinatie chiar si pentru o invitatie de nunta.

gold quinceanera invitation
It seems my invitations in boxes are really taking over the ones in normal envelopes although I originally adopted them for the bulky invitations.

Din nou cutii.... Desi initial le-am adoptat pentru invitatii mai voluminoase care nu intrau in plicuri, acum toata lumea vrea cutii.


  1. wow Meda, it's really beautiful! the colors go together really nicely
    hugs, Valerie

  2. foarte interesanta combinatia nici nu m-as fi gandit ca ar putea iesi atat de bine :). Imi place steaua foarte mult... arata "adolescentin".

  3. e mai frumosa invitatia insotita d o cutiuta.poate fi refoloita pt u cadou sau sa iti ti poze etc.hugs

  4. refolosita'''

  5. Anonymous29 June, 2011

    these invitations are super pretty and I was wondering if the colors could be changed and if the star could be a butterfly instead. If so can someone please tell me.
    thank you. :)

  6. Yes, everything can be changed.
    There is a contact e-mail address available on the CONTACT page.

  7. Anonymous29 June, 2011

    Thank you so much. :)

  8. I emailed you today, hope to hear a reply soon (: Great work !


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