Friday, February 19, 2010

A Week in My Studio (O saptamana in atelierul meu)

[Cititorii in limba romana sunt rugati sa foloseasca instrumentul de traducere de pe coloana din dreapta. Imi pare rau, dar timpul nu imi permite sa scriu toata traducerea.]

Welcome to my studio!
Today we are going to start making 55 invitations for Cindy's masquerade birthday party.

Yes, you read right: 1 week for 55 invitations. Do you still want to make invitations? hehe... you really have to love it in order to be able to make something like this. It is no easy job. Sorry to discourage you.

This is what we are going to make.

black white and gold masquerade invitationI have already made the design, sent a proof to Ciny for approval, ordered the materials, so only the actual production part is left. Don't ask how much the initial preparation took because I don't quantify it. That is real pleasure to savor.

The first step is to trace the masks.

tracing the masks

Then cut along the traced lines. I used scissors for the outside and X-acto knife for the inside.

cutting the masks

Emboss the masks with the cuttlebug and Victoria folder. Thank you, Provo Craft, I love this design :)

embossing the masks

Since the paper we are using for the masks is Core'dinations White Wash (which along with Black Magic is my favorite of their line), we are now sanding the embossed design to reveal the beautiful core in shades of pink. Then sponge some gold paint for added intricacy.

sanding and sponging the masks

Finish off the mask with a black embossed fleur de lis also from Provo Craft. Thanks again, I love this design too and i also love the Textile folder (these are my top 3).

mask assembling

Prepare the gatefold cards, emboss, sponge gold ink, adhere inside gold layer. This is basic stuff, you know how to to it, right?

Adhering the masks to the cards. These is the point where you ad the feathers too.

adhering the masks to the cards

We are almost ready. All we need is to adhere the final vellum layer.

cards ready

Although I have 2 paper trimmers, I sometimes prefer using a ruler and craft knife. It gives me much more precision. ....talking about "HAND MADE"

cutting vellum

Invitations ready. They were sent to guests in golden envelopes. Sorry I don't have a picture of them.

invitations ready


  1. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... as vrea sa am emoticonul ala cu gura cascata :) SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPEEEEEEEEEEER! Abia astept sa vin sa ma joc si eu cu cuttlebug...

  2. Thank you! This blog post will be advertised on CraftCrave in the Tutorials category today (look for timestamp: [19 Feb 01:00pm GMT]).

  3. Meda, I am excited to see that you are doing so well. Your work is wonderful! <3 Linda

  4. wow Meda beautiful job I really admire your patience and the end result is just stunning

  5. wow Meda! you put an amazing amount of time and love into your work. Thanks for sharing
    hugs, Valerie

  6. Thank you for posting this! It's fascinating to see how you make your invitations. You must have great patience -- I'm impressed. And this is a beautiful design!

  7. Meda,
    Wonderful. Thanks for the tutorial. You make it look so easy.

  8. ce frumoase suuuunt

  9. foarte frumoase invitatiile, esti o artista. as vrea sa te intreb, daca nu te superi, de unde pot achizitiona carton Core'dinations, exista vreun magazin in romania care comercializeaza astfel de materiale. multumesc frumos

  10. Nu, din pacate trebuie sa le comand din SUA.


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