Thursday, February 18, 2010

"Morning on the Lake" Oil Painting ("Dimineata pe lac" pictura in ulei)

While oil is not my favorite painting medium, I do like how you can mix colors directly on canvas to achieve subtle backgrounds like I did for this painting.

Cu toate ca pictura in ulei nu e preferata mea, imi place ca pot amesteca culorile direct pe panza pentru a crea fundaluri subtile ca si in acest tablou.

morning on the lake oil painting
I painted this in December while experimenting with oil but I decided to go with acrylic for my final exam at art school. Also I chose a more modern style and a textured background technique.

Am pictat acest peisaj in decembrie pe cand experimentam uleiul, dar am decis sa raman la acril pentru lucrarea de diploma. Totodata am ales si un stil mai modern si o tehnica de lucru pe fond texturat.

 trees and bushes detailtrees and bushes detail (detaliu pomi si tufisuri)

However, if you like this painting and I know many do, you can have it (free for friends :).
It is 11 inch 1/4 (28,5 cm), painted on cardboard and it is not framed. I would likea vintage black frame for it but don't know where to find one.

Daca va place acest tablou, si stiu ca sunt multi carora le place, puteti sa-l aveti (gratis pentru prieteni :). Este de 28,5 cm pictat pe carton tratat si nu are rama. As fi vrut o rama neagra cu aspect de vechi, dar nu stiu unde as putea gasi una.

evergreens detailevergreens detail (detaliu conifere)


  1. Beautiful job, Meda! I love the colors. I hope your instructor gave you an A. You certainly deserve it.

  2. ce super ti-a iesit! mai ales cerul! place:D

  3. Meda,
    Wonderful painting Meda !!! and it deserves the very best marks your teacher can give you. My mom was an artist too. (I can not paint but I enjoy others work).

  4. how beautiful! wow, I could just sit and look at that all day, it' very soothing, LOL
    hugs, Valerie


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