Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Giraffe and Mushrooms Shadow Box for Baby Prints (Rama pentru amprente bebe cu ciuperci si girafa)

giraffe and mushroom shadow box for baby prints
It's Wednesday, so time for Cuttlebug Be Inspired Challenge.
E miercuri, deci e timpul pentru Cuttlebug Be Inspired.

This week the challenge is SHADOW BOXES.
Saptamana acesta, tema e DIORAME (adica rame adanci, eventual acoperite cu sticla).

My project is designed to match the baby frame and album from 2 weeks ago.
I gave up the large red mushroom at the last moment and replaced it with the giraffe since this gift is for a baby boy and I didn't want it to look too girly.
Proiectul meu e creat sa se asorteze cu rama si albumul de bebe de acum 2 saptamani. Cadoul fiind pentru un baietel, am renuntat in ultima clipa la ciuperca mare rosie si am inlocuit-o ci girafa asa incat sa nu para prea pentru fetite.

The mushroom paper was donated by Cosmo Cricket and this particular design is one of my favorite from their "Earth Love" line.
Hartia cu model e donata de Cosmo Cricket si e printre preferatele mele din setul "Earth Love".


  1. :)) prima data am vrut sa zi: ce vacuta de cafea:))=))) dupaia mi am dat seama ca de fapt e o girafa.
    f faina!!!!

  2. This is precious, Meda :) I love that cute giraffe!

  3. Oh how adorable!! I love that you added a few of the mushrooms on top of the fram as well....nice touch!

  4. very cute Meda! I love the giraffe
    hugs, Valerie

  5. So cute....I agree with everybody else the giraffe is adorable

  6. interesant stilizate ciupercutele... imi place ideea!

  7. Buna, Meda! La mine pe blog te asteapta un premiu: Superior Scribbler Award. Mai multe detalii gasesti aici: Felicitari si mult spor in continuare!

  8. ioooooooooooi ce draguta eee! Hihi imi place ca ai lipit girafa de plus! Nici nu se putea mai bine pentru un bebe :)


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