Saturday, April 10, 2010

White, Silver and Feathers. Wedding Day Reveal

I have been working on this stationary set since December when Lacrimioara contacted me asking for a custom design incorporating her wedding colors and theme: silver, white, feathers.
Am lucrat la acest set din Decembrie cand Lacrimioara m-a contactat cerandu-mi un model de invitatie care sa includa culorile si tema nuntii ei: alb, argintiu, pene.

Today, is the big day of her wedding, so now I can share with you the result of our 4-month work together.
Azi e ziua cea mare a nuntii, iar eu eu va pot arata rodul a 4 lui de colaborare.

The invitations (Invitatiile)

invitatie alb argintiu pene strasuri

invitatie alb argintiu pene

The ring nest (Cuibul pentru verighete)

In one of our e-mail conversations Lacrimioara mentioned wanting a nest instead of a ring pillow. I immediately embraced the idea. I was already envisioning it so offered to make one for her. This was the most pleasant to make of all since it was new for me and I love experimenting new things.

In una din conversatiile noastre pe e-mail, Lacrimioara a mentionat ca ar vrea un cuib in loc de pernuta pentru verighete. Mi-a placut foarte mult ideea. Deja il vedeam inaintea ochilor, asa ca m-am oferit sa-i confectionez eu unul. Cuibul a fost cel mai placut de realizat dintre toate din moment ce era ceva nou, iar eu ador sa experimentez lucruri noi.

wedding ring nest

white and silver feather nest

cuib verighete captusit cu pene

The table numbers (Numerele pentru mese)

She only saw these when she got the box from me. We had talked about the look she was after, but since they were a last minute order, I didn't have time to consult her about the final design. However, some of my best designs occur when I am trusted to do whatever I consider more suitable.

Lacrimioara le-a vazut doar cand a ajuns cutia la ea. Discutasem despre design, dar cum era o comanda de ultim moment, nu am mai avut timp sa o consult in privinta design-ului final. Unele dintre cele mai frumoase realizari s-au nascut atunci cand mi-a fost acordata toata increderea.

The photos are last minute too, so I didn't have time for a right light setting. The menus are made from the same paper as the invitation which is white with a silver shimmer.
Si pozele sunt tot de ultim minut, deci nu a mai fost timp sa caut lumina potrivita. Haretia din care sunt facute numerele e aceeasi ca la invitatii: alba cu straluciri argintii.

detaliu numere masa cu argintiu si motivul lebedei

numere masa argintiu cu negru

silver and black table numbers

The menus (Meniurile)

white silver menus with feathers

inside of the menu


  1. These are beautiful I'm sure they will all be very much admired today.
    Carol Ann x

  2. ne onoram reciproc cu commenturi:D te-ai lasat asteptata dar a meritat! harnicie nu gluma! imi place eleganta si simplitatea ta!daca ar fi sa comentez fiecare detaliu in parte cu siguranta mi-ar lua ore bune. Si eu mi-am luat ieri dantela ( panglica) doar pe negru exact cum ai pus pe invitatii. si cuibul pt verighete e foarte fain. fiecare detaliu si impletitura! I LOVE IT!

  3. wow these are absolutely stunning! From a bride who just finished planning and making all these details for her own wedding - you did a beautiful job!

  4. Your work is so beautiful, makes you want to get married again :-)
    Thank you for showing them to us...
    Hugs ~ Lady Anne
    Making greeting Cards

  5. stunning Meda! you are an amazing artist and I'm really happy I know you and can see your art. I'm sure your business will be a great success.
    hugs, Valerie

  6. Gorgeous Meda! Love what you've done. I am sure she is one happy (and lucky) bride today! Hope all is well.

  7. WOW! Ce tare ideea cu cuibul! Ti-a iesit perfect! Imi plac si numerele... asa pe stilul tau elegant si curat. Hats off! :)

  8. wow - simply stunning.

    Paula x x x

  9. Sunt absolut superbe!

  10. This set is gorgeous, Meda! I love what you have achieved using mostly white! And the ring nest is lovely! So glad your business is doing well.

  11. este foarte frumos tot ce ai realizat, aprecieri maxime, sa te bucuri in continuare de proiecte ca acesta!

  12. Beautiful and the touch of feathers makes it look even more elegant. Grear job as always :)

  13. Wow this is just stunning! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such a lovely comment, it gave me the opportunity to find yours. I just love all your creations and can't wait to explore your blog more! Hugs, Carly

  14. WOW! this entire ensemble is just perfection, I can't get over how stunning the ring nest is....I truly LOVE it!!!

  15. Anonymous27 May, 2010

    i am actually helping my friend find some invittions and she specifically wanted the feather to incorporated...can u please email me your price because i didnt see it on her ( can u include the price for the menus and table #'s as well

  16. Cum spunea si altcineva in comentarii, sunt atat de frumoase invitatiile facute de tine, incat as vrea sa ma casatoresc doar ca sa pot comanda!
    M-ar bucura foarte tare daca ai vrea sa facem schimb de link-uri in blogroll


Thank you so much for taking time to leave comment.