Sunday, May 30, 2010

All Mine!

I don't think my new toys need any other introduction.
Nu cred ca mai e nevoie de introducere pentru noile mele jucarii.

Why I bought so many new cuttlebug stuff when I already have a lot of them? I have a little secret that is going to be revealed very soon. Keep an eye on my blog.

De ce am cumparat asa de multe lucruri pentru cuttlebug cand am deja atatea? E o mica surpriza pe care o voi dezvalui in curand.


  1. Can not wait to find out the reason, I will definitely come by again in your blog.
    Have a nice day!

  2. Looks like the Cuttlebug team has something new up their sleeve? Also looks like they'd make great wedding invitations! Have a lovely Sunday, my friend.

  3. Donna, your guess is so close...

  4. Lucky you! I LOVE my Cuttlebug! Maybe they're coming out with a wedding invitation line and want you to be on the design team.?.

  5. sunt foarte frumoase cumparaturile... as vrea si eu ceva de pe acolo...
    spor la lucru!!!

  6. Meda
    Whatever is coming I know it will be spectacular as all of your projects are.
    Love your site. Can hardly wait to see what is coming.

  7. Wow Meda looking good love all that stuff. And thanks for your kind words on my blog.

  8. Hi Meda! I love all the embossing folders! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  9. Its me! I have a blog award for you on my blog.

  10. Your wedding cards are simply stunning. Beautiful craftsmanship, colors, textures and designs. I look forward to seeing more of your creations.


  11. Arata super :) Abia astept sa iti vad noile colectii de invitatii! O sa-mi fac timp saptamana asta sa iti scriu cum a fost in Singapore :). Ah, si cand lansam caietele?

  12. ooh - i'd love to get my hands on all that stuff... hope you will show what you can make with them

    Paula x x x

  13. When will we get to know what all this loot was for? :) Thanks for stopping by and leaving me some encouragement. It would be thrilling to win the Cuttlebug Folders! We shall see!


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