Thursday, June 10, 2010

Elegant Green Invitations for an Elegant Lady (Invitatii verzi elegante pentru o doamna eleganta)

I made these invitations for Cristinas's wedding.
She is one of those elegant ladies with royal-like manners and gestures.
Also one of those brides who knows what she wants but let's the artist do his job, doesn't change her mind often....

Am realizat inviattile acestea pentru nunta Cristinei.
Cristina este una dintre acele femei elegante cu maniere si gesturi regale. De asemenea e una din acele mirese care stie ce vrea lasand totusi artistul sa-si faca munca, nu se razgandeste des, si lista poate contiunua...

I greatly enjoyed working with you, Cristina, and these simple yet so stylish invitations were among my favorites this year.

Multumesc, Cristina! Mi-a facut o deosebita placere sa lucrez cu tine, inviatiile tale fiind printre preferatele mele anul acesta.


  1. Lovely job, Meda! Beautiful color and very elegant. Hope Cristina has a wonderful wedding.

  2. Oh Heavens, I LOVE these... Given that olive green is my favorite color, they are truly fabulous. Well done, Meda!

  3. they are beautiful and definitely speak of timeless elegance. Sandi

  4. Wonderful job, they are very beautiful and elegant :)

  5. sunt superbe, Meda, culoarea e perfecta, favorita mea!
    te pup, Alina

  6. stunning work, as usual :) LOVE the colors :)

  7. Very beautiful and elegant, wonderful invitations!

  8. absolutely gorgeous Meda!
    hugs, Valerie


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